Satirical Essay (Vaccinations) | Teen Ink

Satirical Essay (Vaccinations)

April 22, 2015
By Elizabeth Mendez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Elizabeth Mendez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Parents,

It is has come to my concern that the increasing of scientific articles stating the promises of vaccinations is pulling in more parents. You are being lied to. They continue to persuade our intelligent minds over to their ignorant minds to simply “save” our children. But in fact, we understand the levels of outrageous danger vaccines contain that can kill our precious babies. It is with deep grief to say to all of you parents that the government we are supposed to trust is in fact forcing us parents to inject poison into our children to gain profit only. We will not let this happen anymore. It is time we bring our voices out loud and bring hope to those who are trapped behind the government’s lies on vaccines.

Vaccines cause cancer, parents. From the early start of these horrifying vaccines, British activist in 1892 William Tebb wrote “Cancer is reported to be increasing not only in England and the Continent, but in all parts of the world where vaccination is practised.” (Ohlheiser). Clearly these “safe” vaccines are not as gentle as they are thought to be. And in recent studies from Dr. Andrew Wakefield, autism has been linked with the possible usage of vaccines. Nevermind that his medical license has been revoked, just pay attention to the data found (healthimpactnews). It is difficult to understand why the government would allow these mysterious chemicals be injected into our bodies if they are indeed causing cancer and autism. We then jump into another loophole because after getting cancer, we would have to pay more money to the government for cancer treatment and to suffer intensely. We will not let our children and our future generations go through such misery and false accusations. 

For thousands of years, our ancestors relied on healthy, safe, and organic remedies to cure diseases and other illnesses and they were successful. Just look at Bob Marley and his strong morals. He allowed his body to take its natural course and good for him. Nature obviously beats medical treatments. So why stop these safe methods? As caring and overprotective parents, we must remember that vaccines are not organic and natural. They are dirty needles filled with mysterious toxins that our bodies are not accustomed to. There is no reason why our children should to have to ingest these disgusting chemicals into their bodies. They say their bodies will become stronger with these vaccines, but we know the truth which is the fact that vaccines only make our children fragile. If my child gets sick, I pledge to you that my child will naturally fight it off eventually without any medical treatment. My child might look weak on the outside but I’m a hundred percent sure he is mighty healthy on the inside. Even the professionals admit that vaccines are not safe. According to a popular science article it says, “First of all, vaccines aren’t always 100% effective, so it is possible for a vaccinated child to still become infected if exposed to a disease.” So these people knowing that vaccines are not safe are still okay to have them be injected into their children. It is inhumane and abusive towards their innocent babies (Iflscience).

And worst of all, needles hurt. They physically give us pain. How dare they stab my child and make him cry? They are monsters indeed. Needles injure our bodies giving us horrifying bruises and unnecessary scarring for life. It gives our children pain, and pain is bad. It is traumatizing for children and adults to go through. So parents, let us not forget our purpose as teachers, mentors, and leaders. We must protect our children from the medical advancing technology that will only destroy the human race. Join me and together we will create a disease free environment for our future generations. 


Patricia Steveson

The author's comments:

After reading a couple of articles about the current issue of anti-vaccinations and its concerns over children having to get them, it made me want to write a satirical essay as a "mother" who uses "credible" resources and research to warn other potential parents. I believe in order to protect our child and the public, it is needed for everyone to be vaccinated.   

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 2 2015 at 11:18 pm
RaisinGlory BRONZE, Mississagua, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Great Satirical Essay, my friend! I loved it!