Why I Am Proud to be an American | Teen Ink

Why I Am Proud to be an American

November 10, 2014
By Kylalala GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Kylalala GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Unlike other countries, being an American isn’t about your ancestors. It’s not about where you were born, what color skin you have, or what your religion is. Being an American is about being free. Free to make your own choices…free to be who you want to be. America would not be America without the freedom.

Some would say this country is a bunch of loud-mouthed, fat people who are dumb. But, what they don’t know is Americans can say whatever they want. If you are Catholic, so be it. If you are Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, then cool. If you are a democrat vote for the blue; if you are a republican, go with red. No one stops you in America.
The fact that we have choices is an incredible opportunity because not all places in this world do. In Pakistan, for example, people don’t have freedom. Women will be stoned to death for showing skin, men will be shot down for not agreeing with the government, and the people are, in my opinion, like caged elephants: too big to be stuck inside of a little cage yet they can’t go anywhere, so it’s uncomfortable, suffocating, and most of all, freedomless.But in America, we are like wild horses. We are free to achieve and go wherever we please.  The United States of America doesn’t enclose you and make you feel like you can’t do anything. It pushes you to follow your dreams.

So whatever you may be, white, black, Jewish, Buddhist, rich, poor, immigrant, or born here, be proud to be an American.

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