Pro Guns | Teen Ink

Pro Guns

June 3, 2013
By Anonymous

Guns have always being in America since the days guns were made. Guns have shaped history in wars America has participated in. Yes millions of people have being killed by guns some for a cause some for no cause at all. Guns are not the real reason for all these deaths in America; it’s the man that pulls the trigger that is the problem in America. “A study released Tuesday by the government’s Bureau of justice statistics found that gun-related homicides dropped from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011” (Howerto). So why would people say having more guns in the U.S. would lead to more violence?
The topic of guns and how they should be dealt with is strictly opinion based. People that don’t like guns are going to say guns should be outlawed or make it more difficult for people to get, and people that are pro guns will say guns shouldn’t be outlawed. Guns have been a main topic for the government for a long time wondering if they should be outlawed or gun laws should be stricter and would it help decrease the crime rate?

Guns shouldn’t be viewed as opinions. They should be viewed as statistics such as gun ownership rates relating back to death rates by guns. (Gun Ownership at All-Time High…) States “The nations total violent crime rate hit an all-time high in 1991. Thereafter, it declined 18 of the next 20 years, 49 percent overall, to a 41-year low in 2011… Concurrently, gun ownership and the number of privately owned guns rose to all-time highs, the number of privately owned firearms in the U.S. rising by over 120 million…” This is a great source for pro gun activists to proof with statistics showing that more guns in society are decreasing the crime rate with firearms. People blame guns for a lot of things such as suicides, homicides, accidents, crimes (robbing places, home break-ins, and gangs) and so forth.
Guns aren’t doing the crimes the people are if a person wanted to commit suicide their going to commit it with or without a gun, and if a person were to rob a store again they could do it with or without a gun you could use a sword to rob a store if they are determined enough they will find a way. People blame guns on things that don’t really matter whether it’s a gun or not. Just here in Washington 79/161 murders were by firearms the other 82 victims were killed by other objects such as knives, cutting tools, body, and other weapons. (FBI)

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 14 2014 at 11:16 am
Mr.Warner BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
be good or be good at it.

Your article was informative and well reseached. You obvioulsy have done your work to get all of your information correct and persuasive. After I read this I know more about why guns are inportant.

lucy said...
on Jan. 10 2014 at 10:32 am
This is a great article, i totally agree with your evidence!