Gun Control in America | Teen Ink

Gun Control in America

March 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Columbine High School, Century 16, Sandy Hook Elementary: Some of the many places of mass killings with the use of guns. Throughout the years, we as a country have figured out that fire arms have been the main source of weaponry to criminals, but there are many different perspectives on who should have more control over the use and purchasing of guns. Conservatives believe individuals should have the control, while liberals believe the government should have more power over the guns. I believe the government should obtain the power because it would create a safer country, would keep people sane, and big firearms are not necessary for everyday life.
To begin, giving the government control over the use and purchasing of guns would create a safer country. According to an image I came across on Instagram, “Last year, handguns killed forty- eight people in Japan, eight in Great Britain, thirty- four in Switzerland, fifty- two in Canada, fifty- eight in Israel, twenty- one in Sweden, forty- two in West Germany, [and] 10, 728 in the United States.” Obviously, America has the biggest problem with handguns, but this would not be the case if the government had the control over guns. Moreover, not everybody will obey gun laws, so giving everybody control of guns would only allow people to hurt others, or themselves. The man responsible for the Sandy Hook shooting, for instance, did not even use his own gun! The weapon used belonged to his brother. More guns result in more crime, which is why we need to give the federal government control of all guns.
Having less guns around will keep people sane. Massive shootings impact society a great deal; people become traumatized when these types of tragedies occur, which makes people go crazy. The thought of just anyone having a gun creates weary citizens, which is why guns belong in the hands of the federal government. Little to no guns makes happier, worry- free peers.
Lastly, guns are not necessary. Yes, there are hunters, but hunting does not require any type of handgun or assault rifle. Moreover, big guns used to kill people belong with our troops fighting in wars, not on the streets with random people; it only causes chaos.
All guns belong in the hands of the government. Do not wait until you or a loved one end up on the wrong side of a gun to change your mind. Giving the federal government full control of guns is the next step to a safer, more united country.

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