No Freedom til' we're Equal | Teen Ink

No Freedom til' we're Equal

November 30, 2012
By Jesse Lee BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jesse Lee BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Reader,

Our history is filled with oppression. I’m not going to tell you about our rough history and how we’ve progressed. But, there is one group of people that is not respected, and they are looked down upon. Homosexuals don’t have a place in this world. They are hated by the majority and I’m not saying a piece of paper is going to fix the problem, but it’s a good place to start; legalizing gay marriage will at least give people the sense that homosexuals aren’t doing something illegal.

In Macklemore’s song “Same Love” he says, “I might not be the same, but that’s not important. No freedom till’ we’re equal, damn right I support it.” We as humans and as “indivisible” Americans should all agree that everyone has the right to love who they love. Why is it okay for us to oppress a group of people that are homosexual, after fighting for the rights of women and African Americans? The land of the free. That’s us right? However, we are a country built on contradiction. Is it fair to force our country to follow the rules of a book that a lot of people don’t believe in? Not allowing two men to wed all goes back to the Christian bible, but we have freedom of religion through our rights. We can’t be forced to follow the rules of a book we don’t have to believe in.

Harvey Milk a gay politician back in the 70s said “If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.” He was saying if he were ever to be shot, he could only hope homosexuals from that day would no longer be afraid of their sexuality. Harvey Milk was assassinated for being homosexual in 1978 and we are still fighting for gay marriage 34 years later. Why is that okay? Assassinating a homosexual man is looked over, but not for heterosexuals? After all of those years of equal rights and we are still segregating today?
Take a step back and think; why would a homosexual person choose this torture? In the days of slavery if an African American had the choice to not be a slave, why would he choose to be? Homosexuals would rather die than face the world as a gay person. Do you really think it’s there choice?

The pursuit of happiness is a phrase written in the declaration of independence but what is the exception here? Floyd Mayweather is a heterosexual boxer; some may say a very masculine profession; however, he tweeted, “I believe people should live their life the way they want.” The strength and courage it takes to step into the ring between our radicals and conservatives trumps any fight he’s ever fought. It is scary living in a world that is conflicted with such a topic.

I would like you to take a look at our history and think: If I support today’s oppression, do I support our history’s oppression? We need to legalize gay marriage to stop this oppression and the discrimination will hopefully follow. Thanks for your time.

Jesse L.

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