Dear Mr, President | Teen Ink

Dear Mr, President

November 30, 2012
By Alyssa1294 BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
Alyssa1294 BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Mr. President,
I’m aware of the many issues that our country faces, but the most important to me is the debate about whether the death penalty should be legal or not. There is nothing that a person can do so wrongly that their life should be taken away. Therefore the death penalty should be illegal. Everyone deserves their own right to live even if it’s serving the punishment from jail. What if there was no real proof that the person had committed what they are being accused for and are sentenced to death for something they did not do? This is an example of why the death penalty should not be used and can be falsely sentenced to innocent people.
Most parents try their hardest to teach their kids right from wrong, to be the bigger person, and that two wrongs don’t make a right. The death penalty basically commits a crime. Capital crimes are horrible but is not killing a person considered a capital crime? It just does not make sense. Our government should not have the right to kill a person who may be innocent or has committed a crime. Killing them is just as wrong as what they did in the first place. Does our government really have the right to play God and decide when people should die?
I appreciate your time reading my letter. Hopefully I have made some important points for you to consider. The death penalty is morally wrong and should be illegal.

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