Why I Am Proud of My Country | Teen Ink

Why I Am Proud of My Country

August 10, 2012
By KingJones BRONZE, Mantua, New Jersey
KingJones BRONZE, Mantua, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Asking me if I Am proud of my country is like asking me do I love my family. There is no doubt that I am very proud of America. One reason that I am proud of my country is because America provides opportunities for people to realize their full potential no matter their background. A few examples of admirable American citizens include; Jesse Owens, Bill Gates, Martin Luther King, Jr., Maya Lin, Al Harris, Ben Carson, Albert Einstein and Marian Anderson. These famous Americans are evidence that diversity is one of the many admirable traits of America.

I have another reason to have pride in America. The United States military is a great source of pride for me. The brave men and women who serve in the United States Armed Forces protect this country at home and abroad. Our military service people sacrifice their time and being with family. As the song “God Bless the USA” says, “I cannot forget the men who died who gave this right to me”. The United States Military represents the best of America.

In my opinion, every person who has served or now serves in The United States military is a hero. I have the right to state this opinion because the United States Constitution gives every American citizen this right and many others. Constitutional rights are a type of privilege that some countries like North Korea, Turkmenistan and Libya do not allow.

I am especially proud of the things America has learned from her past. Benjamin Franklin once said: "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment". With that in mind, I will add that I am proud of my country in part, because we have learned from some of the darkest hours in American history. The progress we have made by learning is the reason America is now a country where a person like President Barack Obama can do what many people thought impossible, by becoming the first person of color to serve as president. This, and many other accomplishments is why I am proud to be an American.

The author's comments:
This was written for a competition.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 2 2012 at 2:11 pm
CharlesSedas08, Boulogne-billancourt, Other
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"J'espère que lorsque je mourrai, quelqu'un aura le bon sens de me jeter dans une rivière. N'importe quoi plutôt que le cimetière. Avec des gens qui viennent le dimanche vous poser un bouquet de fleurs sur le ventre et toutes ces conneries."

(i'm French so sorry for my english which could be a little bit confused and full of mistakes....) Hi, i really appreciate your work because it was sincere and reallly honest.Besides, i thing that being patriotic is a good thing. However, there is one point I disagree. It seems to me that, we don't have to love our national army to be a good citizen. I sincerly appreciate America because it's a symbol of hope, tolerance and liberty but I steal don't understand why United States acts as a bully. They are bellicist when it concerns Israel and always pretend to be the advocate of freedom, peace and liberty. Why? Moreover they sometimes do not respect the international law.