The Kashmir Conflict | Teen Ink

The Kashmir Conflict

May 18, 2021
By rafayomar BRONZE, Lahore, Pakistan, Other
rafayomar BRONZE, Lahore, Pakistan, Other
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Favorite Quote:
Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?

The world today is mired in conflicts and most of them are very controversial in nature. Some are religious while others are territorial and there are conflicting viewpoints depending on who you are and where you are. Some conflicts have a strong justification, while others not so much. Some conflicts are heavily political in nature and despite moral justification they aren't resolved due to politics of super powers. One of these conflicts is the India-Pakistan conflict which has been ongoing for over half a century. Though bits and pieces have been solved between the two countries, one thing remains: the Jammu and Kashmir conflict.

For context, India was controlled by the British Empire for over 3 centuries till 1947. When faced with lots of pressure from the people to divide India into two regions, the British decided to do it on the basis of religion. A plan was made to create 2 countries; where all Muslim Majority states would become part of Pakistan, while Hindu Majority would form India. Hence Pakistan and India were created in August 1947, however there was one region where an exception was created. No attention was paid to the Muslim majority of 77% and that region was subsumed by India. That unfortunate Region was Jammu and Kashmir.

Kashmir was a princely state at that time and was ruled by a Hindu Maharaja. Due to Muslim majority it was anticipated that Maharaja would accede to Pakistan however; he hesitated and that is when Pashtun soldiers from Pakistan territory crossed the border from Pakistan into Kashmir to protect what was right. The Maharaja asked India for help, but India would not agree unless Kashmir agreed to become a part of India, and which it did. A bloody war was fought in 1947-48 and a lot of people died. Eventually United Nations intervened and a cease fire was established. The UN Security Council in its Resolution 47, passed on 21 April 1948, ordered that the fate of Kashmir should be decided based on a plebiscite, however India failed to follow this resolution and continues to do so till date. Since then, 3 wars have been fought over the region, several armed conflicts have occurred and numerous human rights have been violated on India’s end.

I understand that Jammu and Kashmir technically is an Indian state, and I agree that they have the right to that state, however the fact remains that the brave people of Kashmir were forced to join India despite their wishes and that does not justify the atrocities committed by the Indian Government. It seems the whole world is in denial. Kashmiri people have struggled for freedom over the past 74 years. They have tried violence, protests, diplomacy, but nothing has worked all these years. 

Very recently in August, 2019 Article 370 was revoked. This article which gave Kashmir special recognition and independence was revoked unilaterally by India and, ever since it was revoked curfews and lockdowns have been imposed, people have been taken away from their homes, tourists are not allowed to come to the area, mobile phone services have been suspended, school and colleges have been shut, internet services were suspended and so much more. You cannot question the fact that even though Jammu and Kashmir is a part of India, India is abusing its power and taking advantage of Kashmir. 

Pakistan has been trying to solve the Kashmir dispute for many years now. They have tried to have peace talks with India, but Indian leaders including Prime Minster Narendra Modi refused to do so. Instead of violence, Pakistan wanted diplomacy, but this goes against India’s wishes. Pakistan has put in undeterred efforts to solve this conflict, but India, has refused to cooperate. Instead of peace, India would chose blood and war. Pakistan has raised this issue with the UN over and over again, but their attempts proved futile due to Indian refusal and political clout. 

The UN even proposed that the Kashmiri people could vote if they wanted to be with India, Pakistan or be independent. Pakistan has also fully embraced this position and have said that even Independence entirely is a good option, just as long as they are liberated from bloodshed and violence. However, India refused this proposal and did not take any action. Everyone is aware of India’s actions, except for India itself. Recently last year, Pakistan Prime Minister in his speech to the UN said "(Nearly) 100,000 Kashmiris have died in the past thirty years because they were denied their right of self-determination. Eleven thousand women were raped. "The world hasn't done anything. These statements basically sum up what has been happening in Kashmir for the past seventy five years. How Narendra Modi sleeps at night, I do not know, but the one thing that I do know is that the current BJP government and Hindu nationalists have a sinister agenda. Gujarat Massacre is a perfect example of their plans and they will continue to enforce the far right policies in Kashmir no matter what the circumstances are. 

Despite so many adversities, oppression, hardships, and a hard life, the brave, gritty, and gutsy people of Jammu and Kashmir continue to fight for their rights and fight towards their long journey to freedom.

Should Jammu and Kashmir become part of Pakistan or remain part of India? Will they be as oppressed as part of Pakistan as they are in India? Should we support the right to self-determination and give Kashmir complete Independence if that’s what they desire? Pakistan was also once a new nation, so I am sure Kashmir can build up its own economy with its beautiful sites and natural resources. These are all questions that world leaders should be asking themselves and if we are able to solve this conflict it will bring peace to 14 million Muslim Kashmiris and hopefully Pakistan and India can also achieve better relations with each other and give them the freedom that they have so desperately sought for since 1947. 

The author's comments:

I think Kashmir conflict is a significant global issue and it needs attention of world leaders. Millions of people are suffering because of this conflict and a higher level of awareness is required on this topic.

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