Blue Lives | Teen Ink

Blue Lives

December 2, 2019
By Anonymous

July 8 2016, five officers are shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. July 18 2016, three officers are shot and killed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Both incidents were acts of vengeance due of the death of a black man by police. January 28 2019, (9 days ago) officers shot due to a group suspects opening fire while serving a warrant for narcotics, 5 of the dozen officers were hit. January 5, 2019, Provo PD officer Joseph Shinners was shot after locating a suspect in Orem Utah (at a Bed, Bath, and Beyond), “This officer is the sixth officer in Utah history to die on January 5.”

How would a person’s reaction change if the one shot was the civilian?

Society lashes out at the police for “use of excessive force” and that they weren’t justified in their actions. What happened to the hushed tone and feeling of sadness when the officer was the one who was hit? Why is it that now, in the act of defending their own life, officers are being bombarded with hate and criticism? Why is it that when they are doing their job, the job that makes so people can go to sleep at night feeling safe, is cause for them to be the subject of so much ridicule.

We commend soldiers for their sacrifices, but why is it not extended to law enforcement as well?

Men and women who day in and day out put their life on the line, so that others they don’t even know can carry on with theirs. So why is it that when actions taken to ensure that the cop can return home safely, is is seen as “excessive force”and “cop brutality”.

Whether the suspect was about to pull a gun, or reaching for something else, officers are trained to see the simple motion of a hand reaching into an area out of sight as such a serious threat, because the hands are what kill. It is engraved into their mind to watch the hands. While it is truly horrible when someone is fired upon by an officer, people all to often forget that subjects being confronted by an officer are repeatedly told, even begged to do as they say, “put their hands up”, “turn around”, or “keep your hands where I can see them please”, not just for the personal safety of the officer, but so lethal force will not be necessary.

Situations such as this are even worse, when it is a minority that was shot. Especially, when the Police Officer is white. Many are familiar with the phrase “Black lives matter”, well….why don’t “Blue lives” matter? Racism an unfortunate issue and despite America’s best efforts, remains active today. Even though according to research done by The Guardian “about half are white, and about half are from minorities” (BBC,Kimberly Kindly, investigative journalist) in regards to civilian deaths caused by police shootings. I just wish that before people began to ridicule cops, that they just think about how throughout the course of keeping the very people stripping them of their honnor safe, how many times they were spat at, cussed out, punched, laughed at, and hated for pulling them over, that they are people too. People who have families, like to prank their friends, and love that one show on Netflix.

So the next time you see an Officer on the news, before you join in on the hate please remember…..Blue lives matter too.

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