Benefits of Artificial Intelligence | Teen Ink

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

May 18, 2018
By JamesWu BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
JamesWu BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Technology is growing at a rapid pace, starting with the first computer ENIAC that was invented in 1946 to the first cell phones that were invented in 1973. Then in 1992, the touch screen cell phone was also invented, followed by the artificial intelligence assistant known as the AI assistant. Artificial intelligence has shown itself to be very beneficial in a variety of different forms, from conducting Internet searches to medical procedures. However, AI poses some significant drawbacks, such as making humans lazier and reducing the number of jobs available for individuals. Furthermore, as AI becomes more advanced, even more, serious problems may occur, like losing control of military weapons through machine self-awareness. Despite these significant risks, I believe the benefits of strong AI could be immensely world-changing if it is created with careful planning and intention.
For the past two decades, weak AI has been helpful for humans in a variety of simple ways, such as voice assistance and search engine algorithms. There are many examples of it, like Siri, Cortana, Google, and Bixby. And these programs allow for Google searches, setting alarms or reminders, and weather forecasts. These functions help humans make daily tasks simpler and easier. Weak AI could also be your personal assistant. It will keep getting smarter as personal assistance AI learns about our daily life. I can imagine the day that I don’t need to worry about preparing my schedule since my AI knows what I need. Furthermore, weak AI could also generate media specific to your personal preferences. I believe weak AI could be able to create new personalized media, such as music. Imagine a future music service that doesn’t just play existing songs that you might like, but continually generates new songs just for you. This can specify your own data, and make media much more interesting.

Weak AI could also be detrimental to humans if humans become too reliant on it. AI could make humans lazy because when they know more about us, they will start taking care of our daily life, such as planning, scheduling, and more. And I believe that one day without AI, it will be hard for humans to complete even the simplest task. An example of getting too reliant on AI could be self-driving cars. The car company Tesla depends on its semi-autonomous driving system. The company just revealed that its autopilot was turned on when a Model X SUV slammed into a concrete highway lane divider and burst into flames on the morning of Friday, March 23. The driver died shortly afterward at the hospital. It is clear that weak AI can possibly lead to serious accidents.
While weak AI has many benefits and risks, it is only the farthest progress humans have achieved up until now. The main goal for AI progress is general AI or strong AI. This kind of AI will have the ability to outperform humans in any known task and activity. For example, strong AI will be advanced in math and science because, unlike humans losing knowledge over time, they will never forget data they store. Instead, they will only become smarter and smarter, and there is no limit. Strong AI can quickly acquire and learn a new skill that humans can’t simply do and it won’t make mistakes, like all humans.

The most basic form of strong AI is already benefiting the medical fields, and it turns out that machines can play an important role in improving our health, including making decisions more accurately and quickly to find better treatments that save people time and money and prevent exposure to harmful side effects. It has the ability to predict how aggressive or mild a person’s disease might be and to know which treatments might work well and which might not. Strong AI could be immensely helpful in supporting humans day to day. For example, in the movie, I, Robot, the robots will do anything their owner commands them to do, such as pick up orders, groceries, cook, and protect them when in danger.

Despite these benefits, if strong AI does get smarter than humans, there could be a loss of control that would be extremely detrimental to human beings. For example, strong AI may be unpredictable if humans don’t control it carefully. It could become self-aware. If strong AI becomes self-aware, it can create its own languages, have an IQ which gives them the knowledge to do anything without human’s command, and produce concepts of love and hate which create emotions like happiness, sadness, and anger. Self-awareness can lead to serious consequences where the strong AI could take over or exterminate humans. Strong AI self-awareness has also been mentioned in many movies, such as Terminator and I, Robot. In the movie Terminator, the AI machines decide to conquer the world by themselves instead of helping humans. In the movie, I, Robot, the people invent a robot that has emotions and feelings that eventually become controlled by a self-aware AI that is trying to take over humans.
Strong AI could also be a big threat to humans’ employment. Consider this: AI is cheaper and more productive than humans. It doesn’t need sleep, need breaks, get sick, or take a vacation. And it doesn’t need health insurance or retirement benefits. It can work around the clock at levels that human workers can’t simply achieve. These significant changes could take over and change the way humans live.

Even though AI poses a variety of considerable problems, I believe the benefits strongly outweigh the drawbacks. With strong AI, people will be able to live longer through medical advancements, have easier and safer lives through the help and protection of AI robots, and things could also be more convenient. Potential problems, such as job unemployment for humans, can be solved by government policies. With the help of strong AI, the world is going change into a better place, a place that has less stress, and a place that is safer, just as long as we stay in control.

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