Love | Teen Ink


March 16, 2009
By Son`ador SILVER, Hamilton, Other
Son`ador SILVER, Hamilton, Other
8 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We all mess up sometimes,but if we make a conscious effort to do good more times than not, we'll be doing life right."
Stephanie Perry Moore

Life sucks, and then you die!!

Love hits me when i'm falling down, it makes my situation worst.
Maybe because i won't ever have a chance with him. I don't know? But being in love makes me want to cry, why is this? I don't know. Not being in Love makes me smile. Maybe because i have nothinbg to worry about, maybe because i know theres no one to love or make happy. I don't know. If you know tell me.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece is because i like a boy, he is way older and not in my region or time zone. LOL. But i still love him. We will never be together, but why do i still hold on, i try to let go but i can't. Knowing makes me want to cry. WHY

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