Old Farmers Almanac | Teen Ink

Old Farmers Almanac

December 1, 2016
By ItsChuckyTime GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ItsChuckyTime GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I could meet any historical figure, it would be Bo Jackson. I want to meet him because I want to learn more about his perspective on the legacy he left behind after his career was shortened by that devastating injury. It would be astounding to hear stories of his youth and all the work he has to do to get to his level. It would motivate me to be better at what I do, no matter what that is. His legacy is has paved a road so rare for anybody to follow. To be a professional athlete in not one, but two different sports is next to impossible.

If I could meet Bo Jackson, I’d ask him “What were you thinking when you were tackled, sustaining your injury?” “Do you regret anything about your career?” and “Do you ever wonder what might have become of your career had it not been shortened?” Having one of the most famous athletic careers ever, I’m sure that Bo is full of stories of his career, and listening to them would give me a new perspective on who is considered one of the most versatile athletes in our history.


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