The Ingenuousness of Foolishness | Teen Ink

The Ingenuousness of Foolishness

June 4, 2016
By CaptainBirch BRONZE, Mill Spring, North Carolina
CaptainBirch BRONZE, Mill Spring, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This world is filled with fools going about their lives, unknowing of any sort of danger or fear. To escape this, one must escape the mind, but to do that would be bordering suicidal. With such thoughts in mind, what could one say that would hold any sort of truth? For the sky cannot always be blue; there are cloudy days, and all days must turn into night, ruining any sort of meaning that statement has. Exceptions to the status quo show us our own foolishness for thinking we could ever account for all things.

A constant worry of the change that comes to all sends fright through those who see it, those of us who have looked past the veil of childhood and contentment, into the world of curiosity and knowledge. From such a high horse the rest look like fools and idiots, roaming the streets and living their  lives as if nothing has happened! There should be widespread panic; the world should be ending; all of these things have and could go wrong, and these people are stoic?!?! Perhaps blinded would be a better term--ignorance is bliss, as the phrase goes. With a seemingly overwhelming population of hedonists and blind fools, looking only at their small world and seeing nothing wrong with it--seeing only what they’ve been told, what they’ve been taught to see.

When those of us looking down from atop the horse fall, we will go down so hard that once we hit rock bottom it will be very hard to get back up. For once we fall, we will see the greatness of the dirt and grim that the ignorant wallow in. To be carefree and with no worries is something that comes natural to those unknowing fools, born not to think of it; however, those of us who have gone farther with our visions, strive our whole lives to get back to where these people started and stayed. After this, those of us who have had the experience of both, very rarely climb back onto the horse, now afraid of the creature. Those of us who do climb back on the horse, see much more clearly, and while we will never go back down again, we will become the best riders. For this illusion of knowledge we had before is nothing as compared to that which we have now.

The entrepreneurs, figureheads, bosses, business owners, etc., have all fallen at one point or another and risen again, with a renewed faith, with a new stance and vision. For they have seen all the troubles of the world and they have known the mindsets of the fool. They know their place and that these people that rise again could possibly be the world's only hope. That is why they rise; that is the only reason they can resist the pull of ignorance or the lust of a fool's dream. Depression is seen as a loss of vision in one's life but perhaps this is wrong.

Perhaps depression is vision. Maybe people go into a state of depression due to the knowledge they have received on their descent. They are not the lucky ones who have seen this and gotten back up on the horse; these are the people who saw this world for what it is and for how others see it and say they can’t get back up. For now they live without care but shall take it to extremes resulting in abuse of things that will take them away from the world of worries. There was once an anonymous source who said, “Are the blind truly cursed? Maybe they are the people who were blessed with the vision of something so true and holy that it made anything else, unimaginably disappointing, so bad that they were unable to see anything else….”

To say the enlightenment period still has it’s claws hooked into today’s generation is a very large understatement. Today we still look to explain things, we still look to answer what we don’t know, and find the truth to all around us. The unknowns of the world around us are enough to make anyone go mad; anyone, but a fool that is. For the fools do not see the stress, the pressure, the truth of the world others cannot help but find--they do not care to find it. The fools see only their world of bliss, their small perspective on the world. While more than willing to share their opinions of what they know, this knowledge is very limited, one-sided, and usually impressed upon them. This is what fools call stress: a normal day’s thoughts, a split-second decision, a momentary pang of stress, a small sliver of what the real world is.

It seems to me that foolishness is the most ingenious idea ever created. The peace that resounds from the few actions created by fools with limited knowledge or matter for the real world is beyond hopeful. Perhaps fools are the smartest of us all.

The author's comments:

Hello folks, my name is Cooper and this is my first article. I hope you enjoy. Please do comment.

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