Schools Should Change. | Teen Ink

Schools Should Change.

May 29, 2014
By Kendra O&#39Reilly BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Kendra O&#39Reilly BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
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In my opinion schools should change all the unfair things about it. For instance they should change specific things that are taught, teachers and administration’s way of interacting with students, and to prevent pressure and stress. I currently still struggle with these issues at school. I have had experience with the problems that occurred or are occurring at the moment. I also know others who struggle with similar issues at school. What are your issues that occur at school?

Some specific things that are taught shouldn’t be taught to students. Some lessons apart of the curriculum don’t apply to the real world at all. It feels pointless to learn something that we don’t need to know. In today’s world kid’s parents weren’t taught a lot of the things we are taught. However, the parents are getting along in life just fine not knowing what we are learning. Therefore, schools are filling our brain with unnecessary information when they should be teaching other things that do apply to the real world. Also, I think there should be a choice in what you learn because whether people can help it or not they struggle in subjects that are taught. Some kids know what they want to be by now, or at least have an idea. Those kids should be able to choose their classes because say someone wants to be a english teacher, science and history does not apply to that career. However, I believe English and Math are reasonable things to learn because we should know how to read and count but some lessons in the curriculum are not necessities to know. Therefore, what I’m saying is schools should let you have a choice in what you want to learn, and teach only important things in that subject opposed to forcing you to learn a subject that isn’t what you want to do, or that you aren’t good at it and having pass in order go to the next grade.

Some kids struggle with bad teachers or administration at school. Sometimes a student and a teacher get into an argument about a situation and sometimes the teacher is wrong about a certain situation. Almost all of the time (depending on who the teacher is) they won’t admit that they are wrong when they are. You cannot defend yourself even if you are right or try to reason with them. If you try to defend yourself they will send you to the principal, give a detention, or any type of punishment they want to give you. I think that this is an example of teachers abusing their power. In a student’s point of view they think that teachers think that since they are older they are right about everything and students have no chance against them to reason. This situation causes the student not to want to attend class, to rebel against the teacher, and to not pay attention and now it will affect the student’s learning. Now since the student feels this way they will get in more trouble and the problem would become more complicated. To help prevent this type of problem teachers should have one on one time with the student and discuss the issue. If the issue is still a problem then the student should bring the issue to administration. Another problem is when sometimes a student will not feel comfortable around a teacher. The student most likely tells their parent about the problem. Some of the time the parent will report the situation. If the parent decides to report the problem almost all of the time administration does not do anything. The administration tries to turn the problem on a student thus saying the student is at fault for the situation. However, everyone clearly knows the teacher at fault. For some peculiar reason administration refuses to investigate a situation unless they feel it needs to, no matter how a student is feeling. This makes students feel like they can’t go to school because they refuse to face the problem, especially when no one listens. They only want to solve the situation. Administration tries to hide the problems to make the school look like a happy safe place when in reality it isn’t. Administration should help solve the problem by switching a student’s class when they ask to. However, if the problem continues they should use their power to put an end to the situation in a way that works for the student to feel comfortable again.

Stress is something that as a kid you think it is only for adults but once reality hits you, you realize stress is for everyone. Having to go to school stresses almost every kid. You feel stressed because what is expected of you is so high. You are expected to pass english, math, science, history, a language, a special, and even gym. Teachers expect you to pass their class even though you also have to pass and worry about all other classes. You must study for a bunch of tests and have to pass. If you did study for a test or quiz and you did not do well on the test or quiz the teacher assumes that you don’t care about their class and that you aren’t trying. Homework also adds stress. For the kids who care about school they will do their homework, but some of those kids have a life outside of school. They may do sports, hang out with their friends, want to read, or do whatever amuses them. But when you have homework you cannot fully be focused on whatever you are doing mainly because you are worrying about your homework. Kids feel stressed because not only do you have homework in one subject, but you have homework in others too. Then the kid is using up their free time away from school worrying about school or doing their homework/schoolwork. From too much homework or projects you become overwhelmed because you are busy outside of school but you have to do your homework to show that you actually do care about what your grades are like. Schools should not give homework at all! Students come to school for 6 to 7 hours a day but to schools that isn’t enough. They decide to give you work to do at home as if you don’t have to do anything else! Also teachers should not assume that the child does not care about their class based on one test or quiz. If teachers feel that the student doesn’t care, they should talk to the students to figure out what is going on. Another problem is that you have to wake up early and look presentable for school. This takes away from your sleep and sleep is very important. They should make public schools online school instead. It would be much easier waking up at whatever time you want to, and just going on your laptop or computer to do your school work. You wouldn’t have to waste time into getting ready like you would for school. Also teachers would not be out of a job because they could be teaching online instead, or tutor students as well.

Other people may think that these are the only ways to get education into student’s heads. However, these things prevent students from wanting to learn. Other people think that students should “suck it up” but they don’t know how the student feels unless they are in the student’s position. The students feel so overwhelmed that in some cases they are willing to give up due to the reasons above. Therefore, people shouldn’t say that the unfair things about schools are right, because it isn’t. “You never truly know how someone feels until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.”

Without a doubt school is a struggle for lots of kids. The reasons above support my claim that schools should change all the unfair things about it in order to make it a better place to want to go to. They should change some specific things that are taught, teachers and administration’s way of interacting with students, and to prevent pressure and stress. Since students feel these ways the schools should think of how students feel and work with students to make school a place that the students wouldn’t mind attending. Do you feel the same about what schools should change?

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