Pit Bulls | Teen Ink

Pit Bulls

May 29, 2014
By Mikayla Weed BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Mikayla Weed BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people see Pit Bulls as a threatening dog breed. I think that it is horrible that this breed gets abused just because of their bad background. How would you like it if you were trapped in a cage for most of your life and then were forced to do things you don’t want to. This is how a lot of Pit Bulls live their lives because they are used for dogfighting. Even if they are rescued from the dog fighting arena, they are sent to a pound where they will live in a cage because most people wouldn’t want to adopt a Pitbull, or they will be put down. A Pit Bull can be aggressive if the breeders are careless and don’t keep the puppies around other dogs or people, but this doesn’t mean that all Pit Bulls are like that.
People shouldn’t judge Pitbulls just because the breed has a bad reputation. Statistics show that there are more Pit Bulls in the United States than many other dog breeds. Since there are so many of them, there is is more likely that they are going to have higher biting rates. Other family dogs such as golden retrievers and beagles tested to have a worse temper than most Pit Bulls. 86.8% of Pit Bulls passed their temperament test, ranking fourth in the test. Some Pit Bulls were raised wrong and were abused. Pitbulls are believed by many people to be vicious dogs that will attack you because of their nature. This is not true, many Pit Bulls were raised as dog fighting dogs and don’t know better than to attack. If a Pitbull is raised by dog fighting, it is going to be afraid of other dogs and humans because they were abused by them. Some people think that once a Pitbull bites something, its jaw will lock. This is also a fake stereotype. If a Pitbull doesn’t let go it is most likely its instinct to not let go of its prey, not because its jaw has locked on you.
Many people have Pit Bulls as family friendly pets. People adopt Pit Bulls as puppies and raise them to be social and friendly. Pit Bulls are playful, energetic and easy to train. They are just like any other breed of dog, they can either be trained to be good or bad. A different breed of dog could be trained to be aggressive, but most people wouldn’t make such a big deal out of it because it isn’t a Pit Bull. Many people believe that Pit Bulls should not be allowed to be family pets, and that they should be taken away and put down for peoples “safety”. They are muscular and have large heads that give people the impression that they are are vicious when they are actually kind dogs. Just because they look a certain way doesn’t mean that they are bad.That would be like taking away a family member from someone and killing them because of the way they look. If you could put that dogs personality into the body of a different dog there would be no way you could tell it was a Pit Bull. So why judge them just because of the breed they are, when they can’t help that they were born a Pit Bull?
Many people believe that just because a few Pit Bulls have attacked people and people’s pets, that all Pit Bulls are that way and should be feared. Some people don’t even know what a Pit Bull really is, and they mistake other breeds for them. If they don’t even know how to tell apart a Pit Bull from a boxer, they shouldn’t be judging the breed from things that they have heard. There are many Pit Bull mixes and people don’t even know it is part Pit Bull until it they are told. Many Pit Bulls live most of their lives in cages. A lot of them get rescued from dogfighting and are put into shelters where they will spend most of their lives in a cage. Some Pit Bulls get sent to high kill shelters and don’t even have a second chance at life after being put into dog fighting. 86.7% of Pit Bulls sent to shelters get put down. Other Pit Bulls are luckier than others and get adopted into families that are willing to give them a second chance.

Some people might think that Pit Bulls are vicious dogs that shouldn’t be trusted by nature. They might think that Pit Bulls are born mean. People might believe the stereotypes that Pit Bulls have like that there jaw locks when they bite something. Others might think that all Pit Bulls will be mean from the minute they are born to the day they die. Some Pit Bulls were born from dogs that have been vicious before, but that doesn’t mean that it will be the same because of what it’s parents have done before. There is belief that Pit Bulls should be feared and that they are different from other dogs, even though there are many famous Pit Bulls in American History.
Most people think that the Pit Bull is an aggressive threatful dog. This is just because of its bad background and their appearance. Just because a Pit Bull looks aggressive doesn’t mean that it will be. Judging a Pit Bulls is just like judging a person by the way they look. Most people don’t know what a Pit Bull even is and mix them up with other breeds of dogs. This means that they don’t even know what a Pit Bull really is and they shouldn’t be calling them bad dogs. Do you really think a Pit Bull is going to enjoy life if no one wanted them just because of their bad rap and how they look?

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