Traveling is very important | Teen Ink

Traveling is very important

May 29, 2014
By Anonymous

Traveling is important.
Traveling is Basic Life Support, it improves health and intelligence. But traveling is not only out-of-country, it can be a national visit too, or road trips is a type of travel as well. When you travel you start to learn different ways of life and customs, and you learn to respect it. The reason is because when people visit America we expect them to understand the way we live just as we should do for them.

Think, you step off the plane in a country you’ve never been in, and just think of all the fun things you’ll do. But you don't ever think that while you're having fun you’re learning something new! When you travel you learn about customs, languages, religions, and food (etc..). This is good because it gives the ability to be more open-minded and diverse. Eating different foods is a very fun and educational thing. When you eat something you've never eaten before you won't ever be picky or fresh. If you go to the West coast of America you’ll eat more gourmet, the East coast is Seafoods, the South is more like mashed potato, Corn, Fried chicken and pulled pork, and the the mid-west and east is more like an all-around menu. So as you can see its different anywhere and it works because each part has a menu that fits its location. Due to their resources. Also when you travel you learn new languages, probably not in America if you live there, but if you go to Mexico or Spain you learn a little spanish or if you go to Italy or France you learn a little French or Italian. Another cool thing is Learn about their customs. Like in China, they have that world renown New Year celebration, like in Brazil they have Carnival with floats and dancers, or like how we have Thanksgiving. It really helps you learn about that country's history.

Traveling reduces a lot of Stress. This is not only for adults but for children as well. Working is very stressful and sometimes a day off isn't enough, so traveling is the best solution. When adults travel for business it doesn’t mount for nothing like a regular visit to the Caribbean. It reduces stress because when you travel you know you will have no work for a specific amount of time, so your stress level lowers. As with a child it is the same. School might be pressuring and stressful especially in the middle of the year, but otherwise, you don’t have to leave the country maybe a visit to Disney World or a road trip to Mount Rushmore, it only makes you and your children worry less. So basically traveling is healthy in a matter of mental health.

Becoming Open-minded is very true, when it comes to traveling. When you go somewhere you see their religion might be different, as well as food, clothes and architecture. You learn the meaning of what they believe in or wear and you start to respect it, this makes you open-minded because you're considering new ideas and cultures. Its important to be open-minded and diverse with food because you learn to give value to your food, or you can learn to not be picky and fresh. For example you say you don’t like fish, but go to Japan and eat Sushi or go to Austrailia and eat Lobster, and you learn that its not what you thought and that you shouldn’t knock it until you try it. And food is a very large category that contributes to the idea of being open, some countries or states have different resources from others, like India with curry, mexico with peppers, and China with Rice. Clothing is very complicated because people have their tastes, likes, dislikes and fabric allergies and preferences. Which is why its a perfect example, in some countries people use clothing to express religion or culture festival. In Bahamas they use these waist belts that is used as a uniform for school, or like in Brazil for Carnival they use rather showy costumes which they use to dance freely.Traveling is bad because of no resistance against climates and animals, and traveling sickness. When people travel to certain countries they have to consume certain medicines because they have no resistance against the animals/insects or in some countries their water. Which cost even more money on top of the whole cost of the trip. In order to travel you need to work to get money, you get into the desperation mode so that you can travel, which stress people out and heightens their exhaustion. 40% of workers reported their job was very or extremely stressful,Three fourths of employees believe that workers have more on-the-job stress than a generation ago ” says the American Institution of Stress. So the more work the more they are stress, which worsens the situation because they need money to travel. Some countries have insects that carry malaria or yellow fever etc.. which most people don't have resistances against it! Which can give them a nightmare of a trip rather than a wonderful relaxing trip. Motion sickness and Airborne is also important, traveling uncomfortably is not an ideal idea of fun. It will make people no longer want to travel.
In conclusion traveling is very healthy because most people need to take a long break from work and still get an education from it.As well as Children they learn a lot more and become more open minded and values life more. Illnesses and stress is always worth while in the end (if you go prepared)

The author's comments:
I love to travel.

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