Why People Should Play Video Games | Teen Ink

Why People Should Play Video Games

May 26, 2014
By JoeyV BRONZE, Austin, Texas
JoeyV BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Are you serious?"

Games can help you type better, educate, help you in real life situations, and they are fun!

Games help you type better because, when you are in a multiplayer game like “Draw my Thing (a minecraft minigame, where you guess what there’re drawing), you need to type fast enough (it’s timed) to get a point. You will also start to remember some keys (muscle memory) while typing. Last, muscle memory will help you type faster.

Some people think, games are bad for your brain and eyes, but it’s the opposite! They can educate you like ABC Mouse (a game for kids to improve reading comprehension).
However, Minecraft, (a Sandbox game) and Terraria (another Sandbox game) are different even though they both educate you. Both games need you to build and craft pixel by pixel. You also have to calculate (your weapon will apply damage to the mob; how much damage it applies and how much health it has; then you subtract the health and damage over and over, then you will know the outcome of how many hits you need to apply) in both of the games.

Games could also help you improve and help you in real life situations. Some doctors say playing FPS games (like CoD or Halo) will help a person’s lazy eyes! It’s also like Game Theory (in simple terms, Tic-Tac-Toe). Also playing challenging games will prevent memory loss!

Finally, games are fun. You can play any or all of the games! There’re over 1000 verities of games to play! Also, math is kind of like a game (if you think about it) like “how many triangles there are in a square? (least is 2, but depends on how big the square or how small the triangles are)” it’s also like your life. It’s also like Sims too (a game where you control characters and you have to do life based stuff).

In the future, probably everyone will see the glory in games, and they will make new fascinating games. Maybe some will make more life based games (“I Get This Call Every Day” or “Paper Please” rated teen and available on Steam). So my conclusions is how games help you, educate, help you in real life situations, and that they are fun.

The End
Play “Paper Please” PLEASE

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