Fire Alone Can Save the Clan | Teen Ink

Fire Alone Can Save the Clan

April 17, 2014
By CVagts BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
CVagts BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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Have you ever wanted to be something, but kept on being told you couldn’t? If so, this book is for you. The book is titled, Into the Wild by: Erin Hunter. Erin Hunter is an author of many books, she has written over fifty books. Three popular series were created by Erin Hunter. They are, The Warriors, Seekers, and the Survivors. Every series has a different meaning for different types of readers. It’s a great book about a cat named Rusty and his wild dreams.

Rusty is a very curious cat with a fire color pelt. He’s a unusual housecat. Unlike other house cats, they just want to: sit, relax, and eat. Rusty wants to go into the wild and see what it’s like to be free. One night Rusty had a dream, it was dark and he was walking through the woods. He then heard a noise, and quickly swung around to see a mouse nibbling on a seed. Quickly, Rusty got into a crouching position, but right when he was about to spring towards his prey, his owner woke him up. After this dream Rusty became even more interested in the outdoors.

The next day Rusty told all of his friend, that he was going to travel far into the forest. Every cat told him he shouldn’t go because it was too dangerous. This made Rusty even more determined, so that night he went on his way. Rusty crept along the fence until he found a wide opening. Then with a blink of an eye, he was gone. After being in the forest for awhile Rusty saw some leaves rustle. Without hesitating he crept into a crouch, then a cat let out a wail and attacked him! Rusty was shocked, he tried to fight back but it was no use, quickly he kicked up and started running. Snarling right behind Rusty was his pursuer, Rusty realized he couldn’t outrun this cat. Then he stopped, turned around, and swiped his pursuer. After that two more cats appeared, one said they were apart of a clan called, Thunderclan. This now leads me to my second point.

Thunderclan is one of four clans in the forest. Their leader is Bluestar and their deputy is Tigerclaw. They ended up asking Rusty to join their clan, after a few days Rusty agreed. He was named Firepaw because of his pelt color. He is an apprentice, and trains with Graypaw and Ravenpaw. For their training they learn how to fight, hunt, and the warrior code. The warrior code is a very important code, that keeps all the cats in line. For the next few moons all three cats went off and trained together. During this time these cats would discover something no one could ever imagine. This leads me to my next point, the future.

In the future lots of interesting things happen. Don’t read this paragraph if you don’t like spoilers. Firepaw and Graypaw become warriors, they end up being named Fireheart and Graystripe. What ever happened to Ravenpaw though? Could this be linked to their discoveries? You will have to read this book to find out.

After reading this book you should have learned about Rusty, Thunderclan, the Future, and much more. I hope you get to find out all of the secrets, and maybe be brave to do the things you want to do, just like Rusty when he was told he couldn’t.

The author's comments:
My teacher Mr.Vande had us write a book review.

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