My 2013 | Teen Ink

My 2013

March 17, 2014
By Maddie Lauder BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, Utah
Maddie Lauder BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

2013 was a crazy year. Many things happened to me and others that I know. I gained some friends, I lost some friends but in the end it all worked out. I have friendships now that couldn’t ever be traded. Spencer, my older brother, went on a mission to the land of Peru. One second he was here and the next he was in another country. Jackson, the oldest of the siblings in my family, came back from Argentina. Argentina is where he served his mission. It can be overwhelming thinking of every detail that happened in one year. A roller coaster of emotions. I tried a couple new sports. Cross country and water polo. Both have changed my life and the way my eyes view things. Who can wake surf now? Oh ya. That’s right. Me. The worst injury of my life happened. I fell off a cliff. That was not a fun part of 2013 but luckily I have sweet battle wounds. Travel occurred in my life in the past year as well. Arizona, Jackson Hole, Lake Powell, St. George, Moab. Just some of the many places that I went. It is amazing how much happened. The job I held was at the outdoor pool in Lehi. It was warm and sunny everyday and I loved it. The end of one bad swim season and the beginning of a great one. Chemistry. Two words are to be said about that, never again. Triathlete. That is what I became for the first time this summer. On the girly side I went through a whole cycle of liking a boy. Starting with the little flutters I got when he looked at me, to hating that same boy. Now when our eyes meet nothing is there. It’s like a cable cord that has just been cut. Life gets busy and you have to drop things some times. Things that you may have loved, like a talent or dream. Sadly this did happen to me but it ended up being for the better. One year can change a person’s life in many ways, some for the better, and some for the worst. 2013 did many things in my life but I wouldn’t change anything about it. All I can say is deuces 2013. It has been real.

The author's comments:
I wanted a way to sum up 2013 for me in a simple way. A way that I could have and keep with me so that I can remember the highlights. Good and bad.

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