Failure's Driving Force | Teen Ink

Failure's Driving Force

March 16, 2014
By Anonymous

Failure. It’s everyone’s greatest fear right? Or is it? When I take time to think about how much I have gone through in life thus far and how much I will still have to go through failure seems inevitable. In fact, failure seems to be a normal routine. Now I am in no way someone who has a negative outlook on life and thinks that all I do is fail. However, I would be a fool if I didn’t acknowledge that it happens to the best of us. How many times did Thomas Edison have to make the light bulb before it successfully worked? Why did Michael Jordan get cut from his high school basketball team? In my opinion it is because they had lessons they needed to learn. Failure is never something to strive for or to become comfortable enough with to let it get you down. If either Jordan or Edison would have given up after their first try they wouldn’t have achieved what they did. Failure can in many cases allow you to succeed. Everybody who was ever great at something had to experience failure. No matter what you do sometimes things will go wrong and life will throw you curve balls. You will fail a test, fail in a sport, or maybe even fail in a relationship. I’ve come to realize that the failure isn’t the part that matters. What matters is if you give up or work harder. Success is also not measured by whether you have a lot of money or fancy things. Success is measured by when you take your failure and allow it to push you and motivate you into becoming what you want to be. When I get discouraged and feel like I will never have success, I realize that success is a long journey down a road on which failure is prominent. I have learned a lot of amazing things about myself and about life by failing. I am more thankful for the lessons I have learned by failing than for any lesson I have had just handed or told to me. I know I have a long way to go before understanding why certain things happen. But for the time being I am happy my eyes have been opened to failure and the eventual success that comes along with it.

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