Advice Column | Teen Ink

Advice Column

February 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Dear Teen Ink,

You guys are absolutely fantastic. Teen Ink is inspiring, creative, fun, and I can’t get enough of it. I especially love the nonfiction articles, the art, and poetry section. I love to read about other teens’ experiences but I think that if you made an advice column, it would help teenagers get advice from other teens that they can’t get from adults.

If you made an advice column, you could have teens write advice about common situations or problems other teens might find themselves in. Also, a teen might be looking for advice that only another teen can give them. This column could be the support they need to make it through their issue. The nonfiction articles are great for sharing experiences and your emotions while going through your life, but if you want to help other teens get through those same situations, an advice column would be more useful.

Overall, I love your magazine. The combination of nonfiction and fiction is great, and I feel like this is the one magazine that gets me. I hope you continue to give teens a place to express themselves by publishing such great articles.

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