Essay 2 | Teen Ink

Essay 2

January 8, 2014
By GracieB BRONZE, Blue Mound, Illinois
GracieB BRONZE, Blue Mound, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Where do you want to live when you get older? Maybe by the beach, or even New York? I would choose to stay right where I am. My neighborhood is a great place to live. I have a wonderful environment, great friends and family, and there are certain things that hold meaning.

Blue Mound is not a big town. Everyone knows each other, but in each neighborhood we all know our neighbors too well. You could stand outside in your pajamas and talk to each other and nobody would care. As a matter of fact, we all do that! No one judges because we all know everyone well. We go over to each other’s houses all the time. Also, my grandparents live right across the street from me. Isn’t that every kid’s dream? We have lived across from them my entire life. I love that everyone gets along so well.

It feels so good to live in a safe environment. You never have to worry about leaving your house unlocked or letting your kids play around town. Also, everyone is so friendly towards one another. Nobody makes you uncomfortable about your safety.

When my friends and I were little there was one house that we always thought was haunted. We would ride our bikes past and go look through the windows. Sometimes we would even play hide n seek at that house. As kids we thought we were so cool when we did things like this, but the whole idea is making memories.

Even though my neighborhood might be small, you can still make something out of it. You may think I’m crazy for writing about a haunted house, but my point is to symbolize memories that we held on to.

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