Helping Others | Teen Ink

Helping Others

January 8, 2014
By lolilol BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
lolilol BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Can you help me? How many times have you heard someone say that? And then did you help them or not? I think that we all must answer yes to this question. Because we all should help others, even if it is a small thing you are still being helpful. People who answered no to this question are kind of stupid. Why don’t they answer yes???? Maybe because they think that if they help someone they will waste their time, but you don’t always have to get something back when you help another person. That’s right you will not win a big thing like money or materialistic stuff, but you will gain kindness and recognition.
Can you imagine all those people who need your help? and you don’t want to help them only because you think that you cannot or do not want to help. At least try to convince the people who can help that they must do something for them.

I think the main people who need help are the African and the Asian. But they are not the only one, all around the world there are people in need. About 300 million children are living in poverty in South Asia. We should help even if we are students and we do not have money. But rich people have a lot of money, they can give their money to the poor people. In Africa, people dies due to illness and they don’t have doctors. Each year there are 55,000 deaths due to rabies, or 151 deaths per day on average, or one every 10 minutes. Rabies threatens 3.3 billion people in Asia and Africa. Do you want to know how many people are undernourished?… 850 million, and 6 million deaths due to malnutrition in the world each year. Those numbers are too big, can we help decrease them.

A lot of people believe in karma, karma is a principle of Hinduism. The principle of Hinduism is that human life depend mainly on their actions and their past. Actually karma is the concept of action, for every action you do another action will occur as a result, and often as a consequence. It is an universal law and an eternal truth. And then, I found this quote that means a lot to me "What you do is what you will get" and this is the law of karma. If you do good things, you'll have good things that happen to you in return. If you do bad things, you'll have bad things that happen to you in return. It's like payback for your actions.

I remember a day when I was hanging out with my friend. A lot of people were there, and we all wanted to sit on a chair and relax. So I looked all around to see if I could find a chair. I found one, so I went to get the chair but another women wanted the same one, so I let her take it only to be nice and to help her. It meant that it would take me a little bit more time to look for another chair and this was not a problem for me. I am young, I can stand for five minutes, it will not kill me! After two seconds, one boy was leaving so he didn’t need his chair any longer, and he gave it to me. A lot of people will say that this was karma others will just say that I was lucky. I don’t really know which explanation I believe, but I know for sure when you help people, people will help you (not necessarily the same person) and this will always be true.

Do you remember a time when one of your friend, classmate or teacher ask you if he or she can borrow a pencil? Do you remember it? This happened to me a million time and I am sure that I am not the only one. I always say yes, when I have a pencil obviously, but some people never give their pencil, I don’t know why ???? But I think the day that person needs a pencil and asked the same person that asked, this person will never lend it, because of what happened last time. I write this paragraph because this is a really small act, and that’s an act that we all can do even if we are poor, or even if we have an handicap or anything else. We can always do little acts like this one every time we have an opportunity to help others.

If you really can’t do anything or you think that what you are doing isn’t enough and you want to do more for all the people in need. You should try to convince the people who can do something to do something. You can try to convince famous people, or rich people, or any other people who have enough power to help the others. Because famous people can talk about this on the TV or the radio, rich people can give money to the poor people. The president have a lot of power to try to build some other important buildings like more hospital, more school, more …I'm sure you are asking yourself, how am I going to convince all those people or some of those people? There are a lot of associations for people in need, you can also talk about it in your school, students can speak to their parents or other adults they know about helping out.

In conclusion, help others and you will be rewarded in a certain way. If you believe in Karma, help the other to have a better “spirit”, if you are just a student help others by being nice to them, if you are a president try to change the place where you govern and the way they live… After reading this editorial are you going to help others or not? I hope so, people will always reward us for our good work. So think a little bit about how you think you can help others and then do what you think you should do.

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