Bullying | Teen Ink


January 8, 2014
By Lillane BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Lillane BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's nothing in the way from keeping away from my dreams.

The most-popular-prettiest-kids-in-school, brings all of the above things to a young teenage girl’s mind. Bully, Bullying, bullied. Imagery. I would be known as a bystander. I would watch. I would stare. I would be the one not to tell what I saw. In my school kids are getting bullied everyday. Four cheerleaders went up to this poor innocent girl and pulled her hair. She fell. She shrieked. She yelled at the top of her lungs. They kicked and punched her hard in the stomach. I gasped, my heart had stumbled as I watched. I couldn’t standby, but I didn’t know what to do. They slapped her across her face. The slap was loud. The slap was a slap I couldn’t forget. I know she wouldn’t forget it either. It had hit her like a wrecking ball. . They spit on her and looked straight at me- “If you tell anybody about this you will be next.” Then they left. That-was-that. I swallowed hard with a loud thump and my stomach was tied in a double knot.. Her faced was bruised up. Her face was red as a tomato. She looked up, straight at me, Her face was swollen as if a bumble bee had just stung her, she looked down. She tried to get up, but she fell back down like a bunch of sticks. I ran to go help her- “STOP” she had yelled with fierce anger. “I’m trying to help you please”- “if you wanted to help me you would’ve a few minutes ago...so please just leave me alone”. Trying to hold back her Niagara falls water (tears). She finally got up by herself and limped down the hall. I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed. I was the one who got hit with the wrecking ball. I couldn’t stop thinking about the words she had beat me with “If you wanted to help me you would’ve a few minutes ago.” It echoed in my brain as if it was a fire alarm went on and it wouldn’t turn off. I felt the cold air breeze taunting me. I knew I should’ve helped instead standing there and watching her get : Bullied.

All across the world kids will experience being bullied in and out of school. Bullying is very severe. 160,000 children are estimated to miss school every day due to their fear of attack. Students in grades K-12 are victims or bullies. 15% of the kids are scared of getting bullied, 56% are witnessed bullying in some type of way, 71% students report bullying and 282,000 are attacked .
There are many ways to get bullied : Cyber bullying, physical, verbal, and indirect also homosexually. Kids who bullying other innocent kids because they’re having difficulties in their.
Their parents are fighting, their getting abused, or they onced got bullied too and doesn’t want to get bullied anymore and they wanna show that they are tough not weak.

Zara Western was a 14 year old girl. She was very pretty and very very beautiful. Her parents had to move because her father got a job in California. She had to leave her friends and her school. Zara was looking forward to her first day at a new school. She went to school and was talking to this boy for direction for one of her classes. And a “mean girl” came up to her and said. “ Why are you flirting with my boyfriend?, the next time you do that again you’re going to be very very sorry”. The next day the girl kept giving her dirty looks, talking about her behind her back and spreading dirty rumors about her. Everybody hated her!!!. Zara couldn’t handle it she was depressed and stressed out. She didn’t tell her parents or teachers. She soon wasn’t to be heard, she wasn’t at school she was no where. Her parents started getting phone calls from the principal of her absences. Her mother went to her room and when she did she found her daughter dead and the knife on the ground. Her mother was horrified.

Suicides are the main cause of death for children under 14 yrs old. Most suicides happens between the ages 10- 14. Schoolchildren ages 11-14 kids have committed suicide, by hanging themselves. NAMI (national alliance on mental illness ) found that in 2002 4,300 young people aged 10-24 died from suicide. The state spends nearly $ 1 billion dollars on medical cost to help prevent suicide..

In conclusion Bullying needs to stop. Bullying affects peoples personal life and medical health. Bullying happens across the world, and when we do see it or anyone who sees it please don’t be a bystander and help one another. If kids don’t speak out, be their voice and speak up for them make them want to be heard. We were all once BULLIED. Now help the people who are getting bullied now. Make a difference in someones life.

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