Doing something right when everything is wrong | Teen Ink

Doing something right when everything is wrong

November 24, 2013
By Ryan O&#39Rourke BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Ryan O&#39Rourke BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
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Although you may not realise it, you witness a case of bullying that you didn't do anything to prevent from happening every day. People daily face the struggle of bullying in school, but what you may of not known is that bullying continues in sports too and its not limited to teenagers either. A common misconception is that bullying does not tie in with hazing in sports teams; well thats wrong hazing is associated with bullying. Hazing is not limited to high school sports, it continues to college and even into professional major league sports.The way people are hazing has gone from some harmless pranks to initiate someone, to now having a rookie endure threats, rape, violence, and can lead to severe bullying and even suicide. The most recent publicized act of hazing a rookie turned wrong is highlighting Incognito bullying the rookie Martin of the Miami Dolphins. These acts of hazing turned wrong and resulted in a end of a career and a suspension of a long running career. Another similar case in recent news was at Maine West High School in Des Plaines, Il where the coach was to blame for for the bullying. I believe that people should do the right thing no matter the circumstance.
In recent months past the number or hazing attacks at high schools and colleges have increased. There have been more reports of coaches hosting the attacks too. In the case of Richie Incognito giving the rookie Jonathan Martin of the Miami Dolphins, it was deliberately planned because he was an over privileged African American who came from money and went to a prestigious university. Incognito started off with the normal veteran hazing of rookies, but after some harmless fun Incognito threatened to kill Martin. He received over 70 phone calls and several more verbal threats in the locker room. These events are comparable to Maine West High School where students on the soccer team performed the acts of hazing which turned to bullying, where someone was sexualy violated, beaten, and given threats (Huffington Post). Another case is at Rutgers University where a football player was verbally attacked by coaches because he was soft. These attacks would happen in study hall or other classes where the coach would essentially spit in the players face and head but him. When these acts occurred it was hard for people to get involved and nobody reported the incident because they were all on the soccer team and it was part of the ritual; also because they were private so very few people knew what was going on. This is why nothing was reported is because so few of people knew what was going on. All of these examples are all cases of hazing gone to far.

Bullying does not just just stay on the field it continues to students too. Nobody deserves to be bullied. As a victim of many forms of bullying it is sometime I wish nobody has to go through but it has made me a stronger person. In this new generation of technology and social media it is easier than ever to be the bully or get bullied. One example of a social network is where you can ask people questions or give derigatiory slur from a private setting. That is only one form of cyber bullying. I have also fell victim of cyber bullying but it was not as severe as many peoples’ cases. My downfall to cyber bullying was cased by many people freshman year to team up on me and then the spread rumors about me doing things that never occurred. I stood up for myself and made it known what had happened in the situation, I also was supported by all my friends and family because they knew the truth. Something that is a unpromising fact is that everybody experiences bullying once in their life and if you don't you're the bully. The new struggle is doing something about what you see and when you see cyber bullying you can try and discourage the bully but 9 times out of 10 it most likely won’t work. All forms of bullying are unacceptable weather on the field or on the computer or in the halls at school.

On the contrary everybody has bullied someone at one time or another without knowing your doing it. If you’ve never been bullied than you are the bully. You may not realise it but your “harmless” and “playful” acts of bullying are hurting someone and you just don’t know it. Others may argue that hazing is a ritual and that it has happened for years to be accepted into the "club" or sport. I believe these acts of hazing cross the line and that they should be considered bullying. There are different types of bullying. Harassment and threatening and physical are extremely cruel and are bullies. No matter the circumstance if you see one of those acts you should speak up and get attention; even if you are at risk for getting in trouble. What incognito did and what players of the Maine West soccer players and what Rutgers university Football coach did in those cases of bullying are completely unacceptable.

After everything has been said and done you can not take it back. For the players, coaches, affiliates, and accessories of the hanis acts of bullying and hazing that statement speaks volumes. For the people that ever have witnessed anything they should speak up no matter what of the punishment, they should do something to help them or protect them. All these accounts of what has happened to sports players, school students, and me too are prime examples of certain circumstances and the punishment that comes with what has happened.

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