The Power of Words | Teen Ink

The Power of Words

November 22, 2013
By franco gigliotti BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
franco gigliotti BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Power of Words

Everyday people are being convinced to achieve a task, to serve a dictator, to be nice and to like a girl because of her love letter she sent. With a simple speech or letter, no matter the case, words are powerful. There is a novel called The Book Thief, a book about a girl named Leisel Meminger. Leisel lost her brother that now is dead and her mother, which left her in foster care. All this happened during Hitler’s reign. Leisel had it hard but with the support of her foster parents and mostly hans hubermann; she kept on living life. She saw how hitler convinced people to serve him, and she saw how powerful words can be. Then she was inspired by how words can persuade people in a good way, and that’s when she decided that she needed to create her own story so then she can show people the good part of words. Speak only if your words are more beautiful than your silence. A true fact that says to rethink before you persuade people with nonsense words. One day I offended my friend by telling him that he looked like a scarecrow and he should take a shower, he took it upsetting, and it was then that i realized that i should've kept my mouth closed. I apologized. How would you convince poor people to vote for you in a president election, with food or with a weapon?

The positive part of the words is that you can use the words as way to achieve any type of problem your are in. A peaceful way to negotiate with people you are upset with. Once i persuaded my uncle to stop being peeved at me by apologizing for telling him that i wanted to fight with him. This shows that you can use words as a way to have people to like you, to respect you and even love you.The fact that i used words to be apologized by my uncle is better than using a knife to force him to apologize. If I did not use words that day then we would of fight. Pepe Lobo, who now is president of my half nationality country Honduras, convinced the people to vote for him by offering food to the poor weeks before election day; I know this fact because i was there. In my personal experience you can see that words can persuade a lot of people to vote for a single person and without a need of a gun. People analyze what someone has to say, and if they like it then they go for it.

The negative outcome of words is that some people use it as a weapon to brainwash others to achieve what they want. “Whatever we create today, whatever we do, we will die, but germany will live on in you”(Hitler Youth Speech 1936) . This shows that a man like Hitler can convince many people to serve him because he has power in his words, and people get inspired by how he gives his speeches. Words in the wrong person’s mind can mean caos. “You never cared about this country”, said Hans Junior. Papas eyes started corroding(Zusak). Papa was upset about it because his son just called him a coward, and it is offensive for him. Words are so powerful that it can make someone sad or upset about how people can talk about you. Words can even make people think about suicide if they take it too personal. For example a bully at school can say how ugly a girl is, and that makes her self esteem go down, which causes depression. Then suicide thoughts come and that is how powerful words can be.

In any kind of situation, words are words, and they can change anybodies sense of thinking. The power of words is all about psychology and how good a person can use it. Speak only if your words are more beautiful than your silence. This metaphor shows that everyone has thoughts, but you have to know how to keep words to yourself if they are too powerful. Since people have to know how to convince a person whether it is emotionally or logically, that is how words can be more powerful than weapons.

The author's comments:
what motivated me to write this article was that god gave us our mouths to use words to persuade people, but we as humans decide whether to use it to get a positive or negative outcome.

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