Transcendentalism | Teen Ink


November 4, 2013
By RoofuDd BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
RoofuDd BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“The Individuality Theory”

Individuality is the “crust that protects man’s inner self,” ”the glue that bonds man together, while simultaneously keeping him separate.” Without Individuality we remain the same. Society, technology, knowledge and intelligence will never increase; in fact, we will actually move backwards from the direction that we are headed. Without individuality everyone is relatively the same: medical practice doesn’t get better, we won’t solve new and old difficulties and even more to the point we will all be relatively the same person.

For centuries man has followed a pattern. When one person finds something “cool, interesting, new etc.” everyone else starts catching on until it finally becomes a, sort of, uniform habit/pattern. For example, way back in 1619 “baby America” sailed to Africa, America waltzed up to a tribe leader and traded gold, pelts, etc. in exchange for their people, but what the tribe leader didn’t know was that he was also part of the “trade.” Word got out to the other leaders that America was making trades in exchange for the people. One by one every tribe (and their leader) was taken to America and either slaved out on a plantation (picking cotton, tobacco, etc.) or placed in the home and made meals and catered to the every need of their “master.” Having said that, if only one tribe leader/tribesman would have stepped back and thought about what was going on, then slavery would have been stopped, or at least momentarily postponed. Uniformity is still thriving in today’s society. This is seen in our clothing, speech patterns, habits, taste in music, etc. Uniformity continues to increase because society over excites everything; and if someone attempts to “color outside of the lines” or “think outside the box” then they get patronized and torn down for it.

Instead of trying to all be the same, we should all try to be different. There is nothing wrong with agreeing with someone else but no one should agree with fully agree with any one person. If everyone just acted like themselves and said, “Screw what society thinks of me, I’m going to be myself,” then more and more people would think this way. Thus, sparking creativity in everyone; this would cause people to invent new machines, medicines, etc. The importance of creativity and individuality is often over shadowed by the evil which is uniformity.

The way that we can break free from uniformity and make a change for the better is if we joined an organization. One organization in particular is Facilitators without Borders. F.W.B is an organization that strives to boost individuality and creativity in a workplace or community; they also aid in cooperativeness throughout a unit. You can donate money and/or volunteer as a facilitator (someone that assists the community in-need to understand their common objectives by guiding the creative problem solving process and to help the group achieve their goals), program manager (someone that involves comprehensive planning to help ensure a smooth and effective process for each project), workshop support (someone that assists in FWB Facilitation sessions) and fundraising support (someone that assists in ongoing efforts to raise funds for FWB).

Our society still has hope yet. If we all work together be different and to support creativity, individuality and difference we can better our communities worldwide and solve problems and help better ourselves as human beings.

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