school assignment | Teen Ink

school assignment

September 26, 2013
By marcos5300 BRONZE, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Florida
marcos5300 BRONZE, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Surgeon General states,” Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy”. If smoking is bad then why is it not banned from parks? The potential risk factors that are involved in allowing smoking at parks are huge. A ban on smoking in parks can avoid individuals with respiratory problems from dying or worsening their condition. A ban can save kids from second-hand smoking’s harmful effects and better protect them from negative influences. A ban will also make a park more appealing, irrevocably bringing in more business.
Smoking is said to calm the nerves but does it calm the nerves of the 8% of Americans who suffer with respiratory issues? If smoking is banned from the parks then those with respiratory issues can be more at ease at the park knowing they don’t have to breathe in toxic smoke. The smoke when inhaled in a normal lung has serious harmful effects so the effects of second-hand smoke to those with issues is just absurd. A Ban to not allow smoking in parks will open up new worlds for the people with lung problems and hope.
Most kids love the playground but the second-hand smoke is threatening and even harmful. “Secondhand smoke is a known human carcinogen and contains more than 50 chemicals that can cause cancer”. When people think of kids we don’t imagine smoke or cancer instead we imagine kids playing in a playground. A ban on smoking at parks will not only avoid harming kids health but will cause them not to be influenced negatively by the smoke filled environment.
Parks usually imagined as an oasis for kids, yet regrettable the harsh reality is the second-hand smoke which in turn decline’s a parks appeal. Many parents struggle to find a safe place for their children to enjoy, so why do parks have to be difficult? A ban on smoking at parks will appeal more than a park without a ban because parents try to provide the best for their kids. The ban can cause more business flow towards parks thus making it better for kids. It is a win-win situation because the more business the better toys, resulting in more kids going.
George Sanayana once said, “Habit is stronger than reason.", so let’s help break one of those habits. A ban on smoking at parks will steer clear of problem erupting because of individuals who have respiratory problems. The situation with kids being negatively affected or influenced can be avoided with the ban. In the end the appeal of the parks will rise also causing more business flow.

The author's comments:
its an assignment

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