Divergent by Veronica Roth | Great, but a few flaws | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth | Great, but a few flaws

September 4, 2013
By Anonymous


We all have the part in our body that loves to read. Veronica Roth has a larger side of that. Veronica became interested in trying to write the book Divergent when she saw interest in human emotions. She set the book in Chicago, a bustling metropolis full of action. She has 2 books in the Divergent series: Divergent and Insurgent.

As said before, Divergent takes place in Chicago. The time zone is post-apocalyptic, and everything and everyone is separate. The city is broken up into five factions: Abnegation, Dauntless, Amity, Erudite, and Candor. Much like the hunger games, this is a fight against the economy. Our main character, Beatris -- who later changes her name to Tris -- is fighting against the world. In this novel, Tris takes a test to show which faction she is destined to be in. She picks a bunch of random choices and turns out to be an unknown result; these people are called the Divergent.

Tris promises to choose Abnegation as her faction after her 3 divergent choices: Dauntless, Amity, or Abnegation. After she pulls herself to it, she finds herself choosing dauntless. After a bunch of chaos and danger trying to pass dauntless initiation, she feels tired. About 7 chapters later, she takes a simulation from the Dauntless, after she passes out for a few seconds. Someone realizes her secret from the simulation’s results.

I only have one problem with this book: The introduction is way too long, and gives just a tad bit less information than what I expected. The introduction in this book is at least 3 chapters long; Roth could have put so much information in that giant gap. For a 20 chapter book, I’m impressed to see this much material and effort. I just wish that there was a little bit more to the introduction. Other than that small little problem, I find this book exciting and breathe taking.

Overall, I recommend this book. The hunger game definitely was a good book, but Divergent takes the cake. Sure hunger games had 3 books in the series, but two twenty – thirty chapter books is insane. I give this book a 4 star rating, and the reason I give it that is because of just a few minor issues I had with the book. The introduction was way too long, and there wasn't much background given on the main characters.

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