Dear,Mayor | Teen Ink


June 17, 2013
By Madison Walker BRONZE, Vienna, Virginia
Madison Walker BRONZE, Vienna, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear, Mayor

On Holmes Drive there is no sidewalk. I think there is a need for one on holmes drive because it would benefit the community.

Accidents between pedestrians and vehicles will rarely happen with a sidewalk. Sidewalks keeps people out of the road. That makes for a safe and better Vienna. It would also benefit traffic flow. One thing is that cars won't have to break for oncoming pedestrians coming down the road. Car’s can go directly to their location without out stopping or breaking for people. Northern Virginia is a heavy populated area with the most traffic ever, by adding a sidewalk in Vienna I think it would benefit the whole area.
With a sidewalk added to our community it will benefit people's health. It would promote people to run,walk, and bike. With this sidewalk people would feel safer running,walking,and biking. With the WO&D trail one street over people would feel encouraged even more to run,walk and bike.
The reason we should have a sidewalk is because a bus stop is near holmes drive. I walk on holmes drive to get to the bus stop. When I am walking holmes drive I sometimes feel unsafe because cars are trying to drive up and down the street at fast pace. Some of the rules for the bus stops are that we have to pick a safe route for getting to the bus stop. Sometimes it is very difficult to navigate to street with all the cars trying to drive up and down the street. If we had the sidewalk other pedestrians and I would be safer walking places like the bus stop.
Please consider adding a sidewalk to Holmes drive. A sidewalk help the community of to be safer. Sincerely, Madison W

The author's comments:
I sent this to the mayor of my town.

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