Why we should fund NASA | Teen Ink

Why we should fund NASA

May 24, 2013
By pronija BRONZE, Spirit Lake, Iowa
pronija BRONZE, Spirit Lake, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine a world of starving people crowding together for warmth. They are all standing on rocks trying to see past the purple fog. This could be a reality, since everyone requires homes and foods for themselves. With the population in the world doubling or even tripling we will soon run out of food and places where we can build. If we can’t hold enough space for people then we have to find another place for those people; however, if we don’t have anymore space on Earth then we’ll just have to find another planet. Therefore, it is crucial to explore space for a planet that could provide appropriate living conditions for humans.

There is a great need for space colonization. Human population is growing higher and higher each day. Soon we will run out of resources, such as food, wood, metals. Without these we cannot live or even build. Without any metals we can’t create common items, like a fork to
a skyscraper. There is still a possibility we can find a replacements or prolong our resources. If we can continue life for another 5.5 billion years, we still have the problem of the sun. Astronomers believe that the sun will become a red giant; however, they are not sure about our fate. The worst case scenario our planet would be destroyed. There is also a possibility of the sun to lose its gravitational pull. Back to the issues on Earth, we have more problem such as pollution. It can make the air we breath hazardous. Even our water source and food will be affected by pollution.

To start with, humans need the right mix of elements in the atmosphere. If we are going to live on another planet we will need oxygen to live; however, other planets in the solar system do not have oxygen. When astronauts go to space they have containers with pure air. Normal air is 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and 1 percent other gases. Due to the low pressure on other planets, it would make it as if you were breathing on the top of Mt. Everest. So if we could have them create a material that keeps oxygen in we can possibly survive on planets. We can also create buildings to make the effect of the difference of the pressure to feel as if its normal . Using these ideas, we can create a place we can live in.

Another crucial element for space colonization is food. Even if we have enough space for everyone to live on Earth, we still need food. Other planets can provided places for agriculture. Farms take up a large space to grow food; however, we can use the land provided on other planets with wide areas to build. We can make a glass like material that hold light more or less than on earth, so the plants can have equal strength of light as on Earth. We don’t only have to have food growing, we can also have trees and other plants to go through the photosynthesis phase, to create oxygen.

We don’t have to use other planets as a living area we can also use it for resources. We are not sure which planets have resources, but there are some that have a high possibility of containing resources. Earth’s minerals are expendable. We may not need all minerals, but we need the important ones. We need many things to create a building including: wood, iron, copper and more. However, we also need them to create the daily items we use. If there was life on a planet there is a possibility of oil. Because of the giant need for resources, we have to find a way to get more.

A crucial part of even coming back to our planet is energy. We can harness the planet to create energy for our return or life there. We can use the wind to power windmills. We can create a windmill out of stronger material to withstand the strong winds. If the planet is closer to the sun we can use solar panels to collect energy. This also works if daytime is longer than it is on earth. We can also use other materials in the plant to create energy such as coal or radioactive materials. We can store this energy in a bigger sized battery. This energy can be able to power buildings or machine if we decide to live there. We can also use it to power and rockets and bring back energy. This can we a different way to provide energy to our planet without using more land on our planet.

I have given you many reasons why we should move to another planet; however, I never gave you a location. In the universe there are many planets that can sustain life. There are many planets that are bigger than our planet. Imagine 10 to 20 continents full of minerals and plants. These planets are not fully located. Due to our current technology we can not fully locate them; however, if we further progress our space program and technology we might be able to. These planets can possibly have more species of animals or even uncategorized organisms. They can also possibly hold new fruits and plants. There is also a possibility of having technology from a past race that lived there. We can learn to prolong the life of our planet. In theory there is a very large evidence that we can benefit from other planets.

There are many problems with our current day earth; however, we can always learn from other planets to fix our. With all these possible theories of other planets out there we can most likely progress our technology and find new resources. We don’t have to use other planets as land, we can also use it as

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