Death? | Teen Ink


May 20, 2013
By UndeadHunter200 BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
UndeadHunter200 BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is but a game with no spare lives to use. You spawn, you gain experience, you put it to use, you then rust and go out hard like a true player.


The fact of death being untouchable, invisible, but probably right next to you. The questions are beyond endless. I have all ways thought as death being another life to be used. I have thought that once you have died you would be reborn a new persona of new traits, faiths, and life, but the contradiction of dying and going up or down and just watching or beginning anew is a mystery. For all I know, I could have been Elvis in another life or Benjamin Franklin but that is why dying is scary.
Dying is uncertain, it is the only way to end. I personally am a man of facts, and proof so I believe in resurrection above all, but what would I be when I pass? Would I be Jewish or Catholic, tall or short, man or women, black or white? If I am right (which I hope I am) than I guess I will never die or seize to exist and hopefully I will remember my old lives and all the details and keep remembering.

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