educator f the year | Teen Ink

educator f the year

April 24, 2013
By gillianleetheonly BRONZE, Wilmingotn, Delaware
gillianleetheonly BRONZE, Wilmingotn, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How high the sky how blue the moon…… this is one of the few vocal warm ups we did in the” one and only” Mr. R’s class. The first person that came to my mind for this nomination is my chorus teacher from sixth to eighth grade at Skyline Middle School. Mr. R is outgoing, fun, caring and just over all a wonderful teacher.

There are many reasons why I nominated Mr. R, for example, he can take any negative situation and see a positive side to it. Whenever our class would be learning something boring, he would relate one of his life stories to the topic to keep our full attention. There was never a dull moment in his class; he always knew how to make everyone laugh and enjoy learning something new. When the bell rang at the end of class, you knew you left that class with something new learned.

Another reason why I nominated this teacher is because he has been through so much in his life and can still come to work with a positive attitude. There is no one else I know who loves their job more than he does, not only does he have a positive attitude toward things he also is well educated in what he does. Every new thing he taught us made progress and a better difference in our performing.

My next and last reason is there is no other teacher that made a difference in my life. Mr. R is one of the people I look up to; he inspired me to continue with music and open myself up to more opportunities. When first starting his class I had no confidence in myself at all, but now I can play piano and sing with confidence for my chorus teacher in high school. He is my biggest role model and I can honestly say he has made the biggest and best impact on my life. There is no one else I respect more than him.

As you can see Mr. R was my favorite teacher during middle school and will always be till this day even though I am not in his class anymore. I can go on and on about how great of a teacher he is, but I’ll just stop at the few reasons I have already said.
Thanks to him I made some of the best decisions and took many opportunities I never would of before he was my teacher. That is why I believe Mr. R is the perfect teacher to be nominated for Educator of the Year.

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