Think about us kids | Teen Ink

Think about us kids

April 9, 2013
By OneGirlWalking BRONZE, Cape Town, Other
OneGirlWalking BRONZE, Cape Town, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Someone, somewhere is always fighting for you, as log as you remember her, you are not alone"

Lots of things are inevitable. Like dying for instance. Everyone has to go someday. Some things can be changed before they becoming inevitable , like becoming overweight our becoming a fugitive. Sometimes people's actions can change the inevitable. I'm 14. That means I have been on this planet ( in this lifetime) for around 5144 days which is about 123 256 hours or 7 407 369 minutes or even 444 441 600 seconds. Doesn't sound too long does it? There are still so many things I want to do in this lifetime. I also have dreams. I wish that one day I'll be able to wake up and relieve everyone of their hate and anger and sadness. I wish that one day I'll wake up and people will stop being so angry towards the planet and stop being so ignorant to what's actually going on around them. Lots of kids have dreams. Do you know how many kids are alive on this planet today? Every single one of those kids has a dream or ambition. Can you even imagine so many dreams? Some kids dream big and want to be superheros, others just wish that one day they'll be able to open a book and actually be able to read it. Shouldn't the kids of this generation at least have a chance to accomplish their dreams? But how can we do this if their isn't a world for us to dream on? The events that are going on around us are becoming more serious. Climate change isn't a joke. It never was. Even I, a child, can see the seriousness of this matter.
When people are afraid of something, they tend to ignore the matter and make it smaller and insignificant. That's what we have done. We have ignored the signs. The world is changing every minute and we need to wake up and see that. The future is looking bleak for the future generation. We don't want to wake up to smog-filled skies and black polluted oceans. We don't want to have to hear about another rain forest species going extinct. We don't want to have to worry about our own future. We want to laugh,cry, learn, run in the rain, play, imagine, pretend, shout, run, jump, fall in love. We want to be kids. We only get to live this lifetime ONCE. Let's all join hands and enjoy it. Think about us kids! Let's change the world : your already halfway there.

The author's comments:
Every choice you make has an influence on your surroundings. We need to wake up and look around before it's too late.

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