This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

April 5, 2013
By Aiyana Braun BRONZE, Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Aiyana Braun BRONZE, Ardmore, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My grandfather was the first person in his family to go to college. I have never known anyone to work as hard, or love his job as much as he did. After practicing law, graduating from La Salle University and Villanova Law School, he enjoyed a long career reelected in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1972, 1974 and 1976, eventually becoming President Judge of the Common Wealth Court in 1999.

The summer before his passing, he gathered all of his grandchildren to tell them a story: “When I was a young man,” he said. “To journey to school I took 2 buses and a train, an hour-and-a-half each direction. Everyday, I saw the US army poster that read, ‘be all you can be.’ ” With the outmost integrity he then said, “everyday I read that poster, and that was when I decided I wanted to enlist, and also that I wanted to make the most of myself and my life.”

Now, you may get the impression of an old man reflecting upon his life. But you could see the youth in his eyes, and still the passion, and the drive that led every word. I always have admired my grandfather above all others, and in his humility he expressed for the first time what was impossible not to see. His drive. What he believed in. And for the first time to us, what was his beginning. This motivation he received everyday reinforced what was inherent in him, not only his kindness but also his unprecedented sense of ambition.

He worked, and worked with all of his heart for what he believed in. And continued to do so until his final breath. He fought for others that couldn’t fight for themselves and he inspired others with the whole of his integrity. My grandfather showed me this, and this is what I believe, if you work as hard as you can with the outmost love and superlative, you will achieve your dreams. You will be unparalleled, not in achievements, but in the emotional fulfillment, integrity and joy that culminates.

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