How to Pass your Driving Test | Teen Ink

How to Pass your Driving Test

March 28, 2013
By Anonymous

Driving tests are one of the scariest things you will ever have to do, and one of the hardest too. Getting your drivers license causes you to have more freedom, you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, as long as you have your car. Unfortunately, many teenagers have trouble passing this test the first, or even second, time that they take it. So here are some tips that will help you to pass your driving test with flying colors.

Step one: Seatbelts. Make sure you forget all about them. I’m telling you, the instructors love this. The reason they even took that job is so they could yell at teenagers all day and tell them what they are doing wrong. By not putting your seatbelt on, you’re essentially allowing them to do what they love. Just make sure to ignore them the first time they tell you—they love saying things twice.

Step two: Parking. While parking, make sure you hit as many cones as possible. Think of it like a game—the more cones you knock down, the better your score. The instructors put those there so they can see if you know how to hit them all, because someday, when you’re driving down the road and hit a mailbox, you want to make sure that you know exactly how to hit that mailbox. Going over the lines are bonus points. Consider this “coloring outside of the lines”.

Step three: Signs. Never listen to them. Not even the speed limit signs. The instructors will be impressed with how well you can drive without even needing the signs for help. The sign says do not pass? Feel free to show off all those skills you got playing Grand Theft Auto. And if you get bored of going the speed limit, go ahead and speed. The instructor will be surprised with the way you handle the vehicle while going 80mph in a 25mph area.

Step four: Laws. Run a stop sign or two. After you pass your test and get your license, this is bound to happen at least once, so you have to prove to the instructor that you can still drive while your life is flashing before your eyes. See how close you can get to the car in front of you before you slam on your brakes. Try to get them to honk their horn, that gives you more bonus points.The only condition to this is you can only do this during rush hour at a busy intersection. Anywhere else just isn’t impressive.

Step five: Road rage. Road rage further impresses your instructor by showing that you know the car in front of you is doing something wrong. Be sure to yell, cuss, and flip off the driver you were behind when you pass them. If necessary, you can also swerve while passing them and drive them off of the road. Your instructor may scream if you do that last step, but I can assure you, that scream is pure excitement with how well you’re doing. Tailgating is a good idea also. It shows the instructor that you could drive right behind something and still stop at the blink of an eye, which might be needed at some point in your life. Just make sure that, in the rare chance that you hit the car you were tailgating, to drive off as fast as you can. I mean, they deserved it, right?

If you listen to these five steps, you are sure to pass your driving test with a perfect score. There will be a line of cars following you, with jealous drivers in them waiting to ask you where you learned to drive like that. Your friends will come to you before they take their own test in order to learn all the necessary tricks they don’t teach you about in drivers ed. The instructors, and whoever else is in your car, will be speechless with how well you did. At least, that’s how it was the first three times I took it.

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