A Quote to Live By | Teen Ink

A Quote to Live By

January 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Throughout my life, there have been very few quotes that have inspired me or caused me to have a genuine emotional response. However, there is one quote that is permanently inscribed in my memory. I relate to this quote, because it is true, and unlike other meaningless quotes that derive from people and their off the wall experiences, it is inspiring. It is a quote made famous by the movie Coach Carter but written by Marianne Williamson. The quote states that, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” The quote then continues, but to me that statement is the most important part.

This quote means that not being good enough is not our greatest fear, our greatest fear is that we can accomplish things that are almost imaginable. This is inspiring because, people stop themselves from pursuing things that they really want to do everyday. There have been times when I have looked at other people do assignments or apply for scholarships and I just think to myself, “ Wow, even if I did complete this, it probably would not be as good as hers, or there would probably be something wrong with it.” Many times, there aren’t obstacles in the world, there are obstacles that people put up for themselves. If people stop allowing things to interfere with what they want to accomplish, they can be powerful and they can be great. However, some people will never do that, because they are scared of the power that they may hold.
If people believed this quote, everybody would be geniuses. Everywhere you turned there would be a Bill Gates or a Donald Trump making millions of dollars in the blink of an eye. So many people have the potential to be great in this world, if they just stop limiting themselves to what they think they can do. This is the most meaningful quote to me, because it inspires me to be better than I think I am, work harder, and try to expose how powerful I really am through everything I do. This quote makes me want to stop fearing what power might be contained inside of me and use it to the best of my ability. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

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