Why Grow Up So Soon? | Teen Ink

Why Grow Up So Soon?

December 2, 2012
By molly alderman BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
molly alderman BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Becoming an adult is something children and teens fantasize about from day one. We dream about freedom and things we will finally be able to do. But I don’t personally think the majority of children and teens understand that by becoming older, you receive a lot more responsibilities.

Unfortunately, most adults forget how to have fun. A lot of them don’t go to parties, stay out late, or have fun like most teens think they do. Instead, a majority of the time, adults come home from work, pays bills, and discusses the weather. I actually find it depressing and unfortunate, because as children, we have so many expectations for our future, such as deciding whether or not to go to a party, or how much to time to spend with friends and family. Most of the time, when I listen to the adults, their life is not where they had hoped it would be. I guess everyone gets a reality check when they become an adult.

Then again, you also have the “adults” that NEVER grow up! They act so immature and don’t have a single worry in the world. They don’t care if they have to be responsible or not. As long as they have fun, that’s the only thing that seems to matter to them. It’s like they live in Never Never Land and not reality.

Everything just depends on the person; some grow up and some never do. You never know until that person’s time has come. I also think that their childhood has something to do with how they’ll act when they become older. I can’t wait to see what I’ll turn out like. But then again, I don’t want to grow up just yet.

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