Mankind | Teen Ink


November 11, 2012
By LonelyShadow BRONZE, The Middle Of Nowhere, Wisconsin
LonelyShadow BRONZE, The Middle Of Nowhere, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Evil lives in all of us; it is our choice whether to awaken it or not.

The crown jewel of corruption in this world is man. No other species is so destructive, so cruel, so apathetic to it's own kind as man is. You don't see sharks killing or raping each other, now do you? Yet, man is not an animal; what separates us from animals is our ability to choose for ourselves. animals have no free will; they either follow their instincts to carry on their genes or die. Maybe man should go back to a more simple time, before all this corruption took root...

The author's comments:
I posted this just because I wanted to get my first post out of the way, so it;s a bit all-over-the-place.

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