The Information Revolution | Teen Ink

The Information Revolution

March 14, 2012
By Alex Chavez BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Alex Chavez BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you know what the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow is? Well before the internet and the Information Revolution, you would have to ask someone that already know the answer, or know someone that already knows the answer. The Information Revolution has revolutionized the way that people can obtain information and learn as much as they want. For example if you had never gone hiking, you wouldn’t know what it’s like out in the wilderness, but with the internet you can learn so much about anything it is like actually being there. Also, the Information Revolution has also changed how people are heard, for example with social networking sites, you can be someone behind the keyboard, and totally different in real life.

Just like everything else, the Information Revolution has its pros and its cons. A couple examples of its pros are that with the intro of e-books (electronic books), books are next to useless. I can save my page without ever losing it, I cannot misplace it and I can also share it with other people. Sharing the book with another person would require me to actually ship it there, which would cost both money and time. Also if we got rid of books, there would be not as many trees cut down and removed from the Earth. Scientists are even developing pseudo-paper, which feels like real paper, but is 100% electronic. Back in the day, internet access was a rarity, but now it can be found almost anywhere, and it is cheap if not free.

There are also many downsides with the Information Revolution, for example more exposure to computers and much more dependency on computers has increased, and with that, cyber-crimes. For example fraud and identity theft have increased because since computers have been out for a while now, many people are very good with them and choose to abuse that ability. Some people would even go to say that with the Internet, the amount of personal security that a person has, has decreased. As a result of this, many people have had their personal space invaded, and could even have been a victim of a cyber-crime. Web sites, such as Facebook and Twitter have not helped this cause very much because they promote people putting themselves in the open. Even though the rise of information has decreased personal space, the Information Revolution is not all bad, or all good, but a mixture of the two.

The Information Revolution has also changed the way that people interact, with e-mails, instant messaging and Skype, and that is something that people are not willing to give up without a fight. Getting ride of the internet would not improve anything very much, or very quickly for that matter. Also getting totally rid of the internet is not totally possible because anyone can create their own page almost whenever they want. It would take a far greater effort than what the return would be. Even now, businesses and banks have chosen to go mostly electronic because it is faster and easier, and sometimes even safer. The economy of the future is 100% electronic, maybe not in the near future, but it will be someday.

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