Obesity is not a disease | Teen Ink

Obesity is not a disease

March 7, 2012
By bmxmaster BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
bmxmaster BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Houston, Texas is the fattest city in the world and Texas is the fattest state in the world.

Obesity is getting worse and worse in America and now around the globe. Kids are being affected and there’re next generation so what r we going to be teaching are kids even when there fat. Can we change or will obesity overcome Americans society.

With more than one- third of U.S. adult’s chunky, fat or obese there struggling to keep of the wait and it has left its mark on American’. The huge number of Americans who are overweight has started a serious debate among scientists and federal agencies talking about weather obesity is a disease or not. If this debate goes to the congress the obese people will get free health benefits just for being fat.

Obviously, this is no good for anyone and leads to later strain on the health care system, as neglected conditions become more difficult and expensive to treat. Doctors would benefit from their patients greatly by encouraging light physical activity and presenting them with information on making healthy food choices, instead of encouraging weight-loss and teaching them how to lose the weight and keep it off and be a healthy person once again. Obesity is created from bad eating habits. We are creatures of habits. Diseases are not habits. Well if you say that biting your nails is a habit well then it’s also a disease’ wrong. You wouldn’t say that diabetes is a habit would you? No. A person with obesity has no will power so stop eating, they don’t even try. Therefore Obesity is not a disease. Obesity is a life style choice, if you want to eat as much as your body can then you probably will. Exercise is a key to having a healthy body and staying fit. Kids these days are getting fatter and it’s sad because they can’t do the same thing that slim kids are doing these days.

A lot of people are affected by Obesity and the first lady Michael Obama is cracking down on it and trying to get schools to serve healthier lunches and better drinks. People can change it’s not easy but it is possible and all u need is the will power to do it. America can change but, are they willing to change? I guess we will find out?

The author's comments:
I hope people understand how big of a deal this is and how much worse it can get.

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