You Are NOT Alone | Teen Ink

You Are NOT Alone

August 31, 2023
By Anonymous

Do you ever feel alone in the world? So do a whole lot of people. They can be right next to you, or half way across the world. So many people feel alone, but they're not. You're not alone, I'm not alone, none of us are alone! So stop shoving down what you feel, and tell someone! Someone can help you! I used to be scared to tell people how I felt, but then I got the courage, and I felt so much better afterward. All I want now is for others to feel the same way I did.

From, Melody

The author's comments:

I wrote this because my friend came up to me and said, "What do I do? My other friend feels alone and she won't believe me when I say I care." I didn't know how to help then, but I was thinking, and this popped up in my head. I hope those friends read this, and I hope when anybody reads this, they know somebody cares.

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