My Colors | Teen Ink

My Colors

March 30, 2023
By zoeylloydfuline BRONZE, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
zoeylloydfuline BRONZE, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is red the color of rage or righteousness? Oh, you don't know? Well, then you're in luck, because I'm about to tell you the only right ranking of the colors of the rainbow. I mean, you can try and argue, but my opinion is the only one that matters. As a color seeing  person and an honor roll student, I feel as though I’m qualified enough to speak on this extremely important topic. Everything has a color, and you can identify them everywhere, but have you ever put them into a rank from best to worst? The way I see them is as feelings and memories, so that is why today, for you, my lovely reader, I'm ranking the colors of the rainbow.

Let's start off with the best color: green. It's everything I love. Reading is more of an emerald green; it's old and worn but vibrant. Lime green is summer to me, playing in a field of flowers. Its wild plants are scaling up an old house, and plants give me happiness. It's wild and free; that's why it's the best color because it can mean so many things—the meaning between the shades, the adventure throughout the richness or dullness. Green has a plethora of memories for me; I consider my best friend green," and she means the word to me. That's why green is the best color of the rainbow.

Now this one is a personal rank, but of course it's still right; light blue is my family. We all have the same light blue, almost gray eyes. It's my favorite thing about myself. The way the shades swirl around my iris is a magical sight. All my memories were made through my eyes, and that specific color makes me feel at home. Now my eyesight isn't the best anymore considering I wear glasses, but that's not important. What's important is the fact that the important things around us are blue: the sky we look up at when laying in a soft bed of grass, the salty sea breeze of the great ocean blue. It grounds you and keeps you from straying too far from shore. That's the power of blue, and that's the reason it's the second-best color.

Yellow is, of course, happy. It's bright, fun, and lovely, but some people might think it's too much, and to that I say, "Is it ever too much?" It's the color of a summer beach day—the beach ball you throw around in the hot sand. A beautiful smile is yellow, the one when someone is so genuinely happy they can't contain it. Yellow is laughter between friends at a sleepover. The color shines around us like an aura of delight. That's what's so great about it; you can see it everywhere, and it's just wonderful. Yellow is the only right answer for the #3 rank of the colors of the rainbow, and I would know because it's my rank and I'm always right.

Violets are spring flowers, the ones you put on the dining room table. The perfect summer dress and a relaxing summer day when it's just too hot to go outside. It's going to the market with friends and not having a care in the world. Driving with all the windows down and blasting music while wind whirls through your hair—it's being a teenager and all the epic adventures you go on. It's a beautiful color, honestly; the range from deep purple to light lilac is something of a work of art. Purple and all its shades are the obvious choice for #4 in my ranking of the colors.

Red is rage and fury. It's the feeling when someone makes you feel small, when you're being talked down to at a job you're just as qualified for, and it's the worst betrayal by someone you trusted with everything you are. However, it’s also standing up for yourself; it's that confidence that runs through your veins. It's a power that, when you have it, you can do anything. It's doing something that will totally get you into trouble, but you have that adrenaline that fuels you. Red is carefree and being a bit rebellious because, well, you live and you learn. Red is an important feeling, one that everyone needs to survive. You gain what you lose eventually; why waste your time on things that in the end will only cause you pain?

A popsicle dripping down your chin is yummy but sticky. That's orange: a sunset over the water or the "golden hour." It's gorgeous, but it's over so fast that you can't even really enjoy it. It doesn't last forever; why doesn't it last forever? All the good things in life have an end. I love them so much, but they slip through my fingers every day. Orange is peace, the feeling when schools are finally done and the only thing you need to worry about is what beach you're going to that day. It's watching the sun part ways for the day and the moon makes her entrance. Orange is like a first love who made you live and laugh; that's why it's #6 on my totally right ranking of the colors.

Indigo is a sad feeling for me. It's after a long day, and all you want to do is lay down and sleep. It's also the dark night sky that lulls me to sleep, and it's the last thing I see before I completely let go and dream a wonderful dream. Indigo is calm and lovely; it's a walk at night when the weather is just right. It's a breeze on a hot summer day, one that’s just perfect. I don't hate indigo; quite the opposite, actually; I adore its memories. It's like the saying "save the best for last", and that's what I'm doing; every single color and shade I listed can be switched and placed in a different spot, and it would still be correct. Indigo is the perfect combination of dark and light, which is why it ranks seventh on my list of colors.

Now that our adventure through the rainbow is done, I have to say my goodbyes. I hope I convinced you that my opinion is the most important and that red can be more than just rage. Not all colors are bad; some are just better than others.

The author's comments:

They make up our lives!

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