A Daily Chess Game | Teen Ink

A Daily Chess Game

January 31, 2023
By T_G BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
T_G BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every day is like a chess game.

You start your move when you first wake up. 

Should you get up or should you stay in bed? 

Each move will have a resulting consequence that will give you an advantage and disadvantage.

Throughout the day you make moves to win 

Willing to make sacrifices that will hopefully be worth it in the end.

Friendships can be moves made.

Talking to them or ignoring them are winning and losing battles. 

Each piece does something different. 

Those pieces you can take advantage of or learn a lesson form.

Your friends and peers are different pieces. 

You have to think and move to gain trust which is a progressing move.  

Each game is played different. 

Weather good or bad you have to keep playing to see the outcome. 

No matter how many pieces lost. 

Or how close you are to winning you have to play till the end.

Winning the game of chess is when you go to sleep feeling satisfied with the moves you made today.

Check mate. 

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