Nike Production | Teen Ink

Nike Production

November 9, 2022
By Anonymous

The Nike products are mainly produced in places like China and Vietnam due to the many advantages it has for the company, one of them being cheap labor workers. The low wages affect many of the people in a negative way by not having enough money for some necessities or having to choose between them like choosing to feed the children or take them to school. Not only does it affect the people's wages but their lungs also with pollution. The pollution caused by the making of products whether it's the brand Nike or not causes people to get lung disease, but it affects the children and elderly often. There can even be car accidents or something similar due to the pollution contaminating the air to the point where there's even fog. With what I have said you can already see that the Nike production can cause more negative impacts then positive because of the disadvantages it causes to the people who make the products and the community around the company's factories.

A positive impact that I could think of is that the Nike brand bring their customers what they want, but while their products do include shoes, shirts, jackets, etc. the cost Nike provides is unnecessary. Meaning the brand has no point for the entire world it just brings a desire to those people who want it and those who can afford it. I understand the company is big in the sports community but the prices on shoes and jackets should at least be at the affordable prices for those workers like the ones Nike employs who have a low wage. Not only will it benefit the community that don't have enough money, but it will benefit the Nike company by being able to attract different customers.

Going back to what I mentioned earlier of about the low wages if people choose between feeding their children or going to school it will also affect the community because their will not be enough people taking up roles in the higher education. Besides that, many people talk about helping children and that the children need an education, how are they supposed to go if the families can only have enough for food and shelter? Children are also a part of Nike's customers being attracted by the shoes mainly the children who are attracted to sports, so wouldn't it benefit Nike and everyone else to help them by helping their parents.

I think if Nike keeps at this rate how they are currently they will not be sustainable because they will not have the number of workers they currently have. If Nike doesn't make some changes, I believe that Nike workers will start protesting for what they need (higher wages), they will be attacked politically by people who support climate change about how their production ways. So, I believe that there is an extent to sustainability it is until the workers in factories reach their limit on how they are treated. The biggest negative global impact of Nike production is how they are still working in the same way they have throughout the years, and they haven't changed or said anything of what should be changed they only changed the child labor in the late 1900s. They keep working with cotton and polyester which can produce pollution and have cheap labor working in horrible working conditions. 

A positive impact that Nike has produced is the amount of people who come together in the Nike environment and just in general buying their product mainly their shoes. They have a big population of customers demanding more and more not just shoes but their clothes. In the next decade I think the product made by Nike should’ve been reinvented in a way where not only would it bring more positive production to the environment but maybe even have some of the people who once attacked Nike as new customers. They should be able to say, “Yes we have been working to try and have fewer pollution levels and yes we are trying to slowly raise wages for workers”. I would recommend the new approach methods they have on the study of Sustainable Consumption and Production, because they cover most of the problems that will soon become a more dominate discussion politically. I believe with the help of everyone involved in business they will be able to achieve the goal about doing more and better with saving the environment. I think this because many companies will be able to better their transportation even though I also do believe that there might be some technical difficulties with how they will start, due to maybe starting with the necessary and needs of a product then those which are wants.

The author's comments:

Done on my opinion and thoughts for a school article. Used links provided from teacher as reference and research. 

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