In 15 Years From Now | Teen Ink

In 15 Years From Now

June 3, 2022
By Anonymous

In Fifteen Years From Now

In fifteen years from now I will hopefully be in the Marine Corps. I would probably like to be married. I don’t have a clue where I’ll be living. I’ll probably be working on guns. And I’ll hopefully be driving my dream car. I probably won’t have any pets, and I have not one clue what my family will be like.

Within the next year and a half I will hopefully be completing my enlistment into the United States Marine Corps (USMC). When I was younger, my dad would tell me stories about when he was in and that inspired me to join. Once I am done with boot camp, I will be shipped from Camp Pendleton to Fort Lee, Virginia for Armorer training. An armorer is the person who will be repairing guns and other equipment. I also plan on making a career out of the USMC. After a certain amount of time in the Marine Corps, you might have to either do recruiting or drill instructing. And if I cross that bridge, I will choose drill instructing. After the four years of doing that, I will hopefully be able to return to being an armorer. Once I get out, I will have the certifications to join the firearms industry. So I might decide to work at Glock, Colt, Remington, Smith and Wesson, Winchester, Sig Sauer, or any others.

In fifteen years from now I hopefully will be married. I would like to find a girl who is my best friend. For my grandma and grandpa, they were always together. Even if my grandpa didn’t like doing something, he would still tag along. I believe that you should be willing to do anything with your spouse. Just as my grandpa once did. Sadly he passed away in December of 2020.

In fifteen years from now, I will hopefully be driving my dream car. My dream car is a 1992 Toyota Celica GT-Four. When I was a child, my grandparents had an arcade game called World Rally. The car that you raced in this game was a 1992 Toyota Celica GT-Four. This trim level was the crème de la crème of the model. It was known for being the “high performance” version of the normal Toyota Celica. This version was the homologation special so then Toyota’s racing team could race in Group A rally racing.  There were only about five thousand of these made and all were sold inside of Japan. 

In fifteen years from now, I don’t see myself owning any pets, but if I do it would be a dog. When it comes to the breed, it would probably be a German Shepherd or a Husky. I would also have to make sure that I train the dog too. Also when it comes to my family, I don’t plan on cutting ties ever with them. Only thing is that I am worried about my grandmother when I go into service. I talk to her frequently and I don’t wanna stop talking to her, but I might be forced to for three months. But other than those three months, I will always keep in touch with them.

In the end, I see myself in fifteen years from now in the USMC. I see myself being an Armorer for the United States Marine Corps and I also see myself possibly being married. I also don’t see myself having any pets. Finally I see myself still talking to my family whenever I can. 

The author's comments:

Name Is Joseph 

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