Is Homework Beneficial for Students? | Teen Ink

Is Homework Beneficial for Students?

May 30, 2022
By mswearingen26 BRONZE, Oslo, Other
mswearingen26 BRONZE, Oslo, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is Homework Beneficial for Students?

Finally, I'm home, time to rest; then you remember you have homework, so you get off your bed and start the most prolonged grueling 2 hours of your life. In those 2 hours, you could be out with friends; you could be playing sports but no! You are chained to your desk like you have been for most of the day already. 74% of all students say they are stressed out by their homework and would rather not have it. That's why we need to look at both sides of the story on if homework is beneficial for students or not. 

First, I will talk about the good or pros of homework; although some may say homework has no pros, there are actually some benefits to it. A scientist by the name of Tom Loveless had this to say about homework ( "Homework, proponents maintain, teaches students time-management skills and provides a goal-oriented experience that will help them for the rest of their lives.”  “Homework prepares students for work-related tasks, financial planning, and any project that ends with the feeling of a job well done, Townsend wrote in the Atlantic. "Long-term planning, projects, and deadlines are a key part of adulthood." So home can be helpful in the future. It helps prepare you for adulthood because if you miss deadlines on the job, then your most likely not going to have a job. This school also agrees with this doctor's point of view; this is what they said(
"I credit nightly homework, among other aspects of our program, with students' better grasp and retention of lessons. Students need to consider and apply what has been taught in class independently. Homework provides this crucial opportunity. In high school, those unaccustomed to regular homework frequently face difficulties". 
This school argues that daily homework helps students engage and feel accomplished in class, making them feel more confident. The school also says that doing homework does not make their students feel stressed. They said they wanted to credit nightly homework because they say that "among other aspects of our program, with students' better grasp and retention of lessons ."They say that kids need to "independently consider and apply what has been taught in class."
Now I will talk about the Con side of this argument. The people who don't believe that homework is beneficial for students to think that homework causes stress and anxiety and sets their students up for failure. A scientist interviewed a high school student, and this is what she said about homework(
"There's just too much, " says Lexi Botts, a senior at Prospect High who sought comfort from Junie and school counselors after her grandfather's last fall."
When she states that "there's just too much." She is referring to the amount of school work she is getting, and she most likely had to go to her grandpa's funeral, and she was getting flooded with school work when she was in a time of sorrow. Imagine getting flooded with homework as a child who lost a close relative and worrying about doing homework when you are supposed to mourn a death.
I think that homework is necessary, but schools should tone it down with the workload, especially in high school. They already have enough on their plate, and now they have to worry about due dates and getting yelled at. I think that teachers should give homework every other day or even just a maximum of 30 minutes of homework per day because kids need to be kids, and being stuck to a desk won't let them experience the real world. So I think that homework is essential, but teachers don't need to drown kids in homework.
Is Homework Beneficial for Students?
Yes and no homework is essential because it helps with adulthood and being on time, and keeping the information you learned in school stuck in your mind for a long time. But on the other hand, it can cause anxiety and stress if theirs too much. It's like working out if you do it too much with no rest it's not healthy but bits at a time can be good, that's what I think homework should be like a bit at a time so it can make you remember what you learned in class and it won't risk your mental health.

Feiler, Bruce. "The Homework Squabbles." New York Times, 12 Sept. 2014, Accessed 12 Sept. 2014.

Homework: Is Homework Beneficial to Students? Infobase, 2020. Infobase, Accessed 17 Nov. 2020.

Salon. 31 Jan. 2013,

The Washington Post. 30 Mar. 2017,

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