Arguments | Teen Ink


February 18, 2022
By Anonymous




I am going to write an abundant number of small debates about different topics each day and I will get these topics from myself,online, and other students. These will be in no certain order and are to just show different things to argue. I will argue two different points and show which one I think is better including my opinions and showing others it's okay to argue.



I am going to debate if morning or night is better. Some people would say the night is much better because it is always when the fun is or they like when it’s dark. Mornings can be very hated because nobody likes to wake up early and get out of a warm bed then get hit by the cold air just to start your day. Personally, I like the mornings better because I feel better and I can get more done than I would at night. Everyone has different schedules they follow during the day but I think morning is all around better due to the new day and how peaceful it is.


I am going to debate cats/dogs and which one is the better pet. I would say that a dog is a much better pet because you can do more things with them and they are usually much more loving. They are a great companion and can go off of your emotions and make you feel better. After all, it is said that a dog is a man's best friend. Cats on the other hand can be funny but they do not see you as their owner. Cats think they rule the world or whatever house they are in. I've heard a saying where you feed and water the dog and it sees you as God and if you feed and water the cat it thinks it's God. This shows how cats are much more self- absorbed which would make them the worse of a pet. While a dog is fun and can be great for a family and will always make you happy.


I am going to compare whether peanut butter or jelly is better. I would say that it is mostly preference but I think it can depend on when you want at the time. For example, if you want something sweeter than you would take the jelly but if you wanted something more salty and savory then you would take the peanut butter. There is always the mix of them to make a sandwich that almost everyone loves because when the two spreads mix they taste even better than by themselves. I would personally say that peanut butter is a better spread and tastes better because it is more versatile and can go on much more than jelly.


Today I am going to debate about Apple and Android products. Most people would say Apple right away just because everyone has always said that they are much better. Although Android has upgraded drastically the past few years. A close friend of mine got one of the newest Androids and I would say they are pretty nice. Everything from camera quality to performance and storage. They are actually better than most people make them out to be. Personally, I would still go for Apple for a multitude of reasons. First, they have a much more clean and smooth build/design to the actual product. The storage is usually greater and the all around performance is much better and quicker. The only thing that Android might have Apple beat on is camera quality. Apple's camera is still very good and all these things considered Apple is just a better all around company when it comes to technology.


Today I am going to debate online learning vs. in person learning. Many kids would say that online is better for the simple reason that they get to stay home and not get up as early. I think it was nice when we had it but too many kids got behind. Majority of the school slacked off and didn’t get the work done they were supposed to and that is why so many kids were failing. Without a strict school schedule they didn’t know how to keep themselves accountable. I enjoyed online learning but I was able to get my work done and not get behind. It only worked well for the kids that wanted to try and learn. That’s why in person learning is better because everyone is held accountable and the teachers make sure you do your work and give you time. The kids are also on a schedule and don’t have time to mess around as much. This shows how in person learning is a better option for kids to get the full experience and the learning skills they need.


Today I am going to debate what is the best pizza topping. Now this may sound silly but it's actually very important to me and many other people. Many love pizza and it can represent memories for them of good times and childhood. The toppings however are what make or break the pizza. First, you have cheese which is always good but just boring. Pepperoni is much better because it just adds another layer and element that tastes better. Sausage also does this, but when you combine the sausage and the pepperoni you get my favorite pizza and I think those are the best toppings in general.Some people go for too much and I would say over three toppings is getting to the point of too much. My favorite kind of pizza is simple with the best toppings.


Today's topic is laptops or PCs. They sort of have a different use but also can be used for the same things. A laptop can be used for school, work, and many other things related to that. A PC can be used for all the same things but also can be used for gaming. A PC typically has much more power than a laptop. Although the laptop is more portable which makes using it much easier instead of using it only at home like the PC. I would prefer to use the laptop because of how small and compact it is while being able to do everything that you need. It can hold so much of your information or anything about work and take up so little space. This is why I think laptops are better.


Today I am going to talk about the amount of homework given to students. I can say with confidence that almost every kid I know would love to have less homework. From personal experience I can say there have been many times where I am stressed because of the amount of homework that I have that night. Sometimes I don't have enough time to do what I would like outside of school because of the amount of Homework. Friends have even told me from different schools that they get too much homework. The kids that already struggle in school will suffer even more because some kids can't do any work without guidance. I would appreciate along with any other student that the amount of homework should at least be lowered.


Today I am going to debate about how long the school day should be. I have noticed from many other friends that our school starts earlier in the morning than most schools. Firstly, that should be changed because waking up that early makes it hard to concentrate even when you get to school and class. Sometimes it takes me the entire first period just to fully wake up. Although we start early, I wont complain about the time we get out because that is ten minutes earlier than last year and it's not so bad. I just think that we should have a slightly shorter day and start later in the morning. Most kids would probably agree that starting around 8am instead of 7:25am would be much better and easier for us to get ready for school.


Today I am going to debate whether riding the bus or driving to school is better. Firstly, the bus can be nice in the mornings when it's already warm and you don't have to do any work or drive which allows you to just sit and relax. Morning or afternoon the bus has to drop off other kids which makes it take longer for you to get home or to school. Driving to school however, you get to decide when you want to leave and you can even sleep longer. Also in the afternoon you can go straight home and not go to all the other kids' houses to drop them off as if you were on the bus. This is why I think that driving to and from school is a much better all around option because it has more perks and freedom.



Today I'm debating if I would want to live forever or not. Most people would say that they would want to live forever but I would not. For a few reasons such as everyone close to you will pass while you keep moving on and the cycle of that will keep going and going. Also you will be in all the bad things the future has instead of passing and missing out on those. While it would be cool to witness the future and see all the things it has to offer, I still dont think it's worth it. You would miss everyone and you would keep going and you would have to keep your circle of friends small because you know you will lose them and you already know you will lose your family. Also if you ever had kids they would eventually grow older than you and that would just be weird so that is why I think it would be better to live a normal length of life.


Today I am going to debate whether reading or writing is better. My personal preference is that reading is better especially when you are into a good book that isn’t boring, it's pretty hard to drop it for even a minute. Writing can be useful to leave tips or notes to help you as reminders or even give notes to others. Writing is also one of the best ways to get your feelings down and you get to decide whether or not they are shared or kept private. Even though there are many ways writing can be more useful I still feel reading is more enjoyable and much more exciting and fun.


Today I am going to debate whether it would be better to be a bird or a fish. They both have their ups and downs but I think being a bird would be much better. You would be able to travel the world and fly which has got to be the best feeling ever. If you're a fish you are limited to the cold water that would probably get boring if you stayed around the same area. You also have to worry about getting eaten by so many other fish, sharks,seals, and any other predator towards fish. Birds also have predators but not near as many and birds are usually much harder to catch. You could be a more dominant species of bird and just fly and enjoy. That is why I think it would be better to be a bird.


Today I am going to debate about whether all holidays should have no school on that day. I think that we should get all the holidays off school because most of them are time that should be spent with family or close ones. If we have school that time is limited. We already are in school so much and super busy from all the work and homework we get. I think it would be nice to have a few days at least for the holidays so that we can rest and reset our brains for more school. Some kids struggle with what we have now and they cant get any work done and they stress too much. So I believe we should get holidays off for the sake of the kids and time with family.



Today I am going to debate if it is better to be the driver or the passenger in a car. I think it all depends on the length of the trip you are taking. If it is a very long trip I wouldn't want to drive the entire time because of fatigue and it can begin to get boring. Being a passenger on a long trip can be relaxing and some people enjoy it. But everyday driving and some trips I would want to be driving because I would like to be in control of that situation and not have someone else do it. It’s not that I don’t trust the other person but I would much rather be doing it and have the responsibility on me. These are reasons why I would like to be the driver instead of the passenger.


Today I am going to debate if flying is the best form of transportation. From personal experience I would say it is one of the more fun and exciting ways to travel and quickest. Of course you would only fly if it was necessary and would be too long of a drive. Some people probably hate it though or even are scared to get on a plane but it is a great pleasure that should be appreciated. Even though it is expensive you can cut hours off of any of your trips and get there much quicker. This could take the stress off of driving for long periods of time and allow for more relaxation. You could even go as far as getting a first class ticket on a plane and really enjoying that luxury. I think that flying in a plane is the best way of transportation for long trips.


Today I am going to debate if smartphones should be in school or not. I think that they should because well, I'm a student and I would not like to have my phone taken while at school. Most teachers would probably say otherwise. Many of the teachers think it's a distraction and kids will end up getting themselves in trouble if they have access to it at school. On the other hand that wouldn’t be fair to the kids that use their phones when they are allowed to and make good use of it. I use my phone a number of times throughout the school day to help me with problems that I may be stuck on when a teacher is not around or busy. I also do use it for entertainment at some points when I have no work and nothing to do. Most kids would agree with me that it would not be enjoyable to have their phones taken. I think that the school should just punish the kids that use them at the wrong times or times they aren’t supposed to. So that the kids that use them when it's okay are still able to enjoy them.


Today I am going to debate if America's national language should be English. This is quite a controversial topic because there are many that would say that we founded the U.S. and made it our own and explored it. That we did all the work to make it what it is today. I think that if we did make English the national language then it would be ok but it would also be ok if we didn’t. I know many people such as veterans would disagree with me and that it should 100% be our language. The thing is that the United States is made up of so much diversity of ethnicities, cultures, and languages that it is hard for some when they aren’t fully capable of English. For now I think it is ok that the national language is N/A right now because it allows everyone to be able to have the so-called “freedom” the U.S. worked for.

The author's comments:

I like to argue.

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