My Inspirations | Teen Ink

My Inspirations

January 5, 2022
By Anonymous

Many people I am around have a great influence on me. From my friends to my family, I can always think of someone who has influenced the way I am today. They have influenced me in many ways as well, in some instances, they are important life lessons, in others, it might just be the music I listen to. 

My small close group of friends helps influence me on the choices I make. They are understanding if I make a mistake because they have probably done the same thing. They also have helped shape my sense of humor and how to make others laugh. With anything school-related, we help each other out. If something is off or seems wrong, we make sure to point it out that way it isn’t a bigger problem in the future. 

Another big influence is my mother. She has helped me behave like a decent human being. If it weren’t for her, I might have multiple detentions and suspensions for things I realized weren’t a big deal, to begin with. She has also helped me out throughout school, when I was younger she made sure I had things completed and now she helps me with work if I don’t understand it. She has also helped by providing for my sister and I during hard times. 

Finally, one of my biggest influences is my father. He has taught me to not let people push you around and to stand up for what you believe in. He showed me how to build and fix things, how to do lawn work, how to help around the house, simple everyday tasks. He got me into older music, and not the jumbled mess “music” is today. Both he and my mom are college-educated and successful people, both working as nurses. This inspires me to push through, because it’s been a rough year, and continue to make my parents proud in the future.

The author's comments:

This essay is about the people who have made me who I am today.

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