Pet Peeve | Teen Ink

Pet Peeve

March 1, 2021
By Anonymous

Have you ever cleaned your car out, and then the next day it is trashed again. Not from you, but someone else. Well indeed, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. The steam coming off my body and words running out of my mouth weren’t enough to show how I felt. Feeling the need to leave your trash in someone else's car that picked you up seems to make no sense to me. 

The first day you go out and clean everything in your car and make it look all nice, until the next day or two you look at it and they are wrappers, bottles, etc. laying all over the place. Even to the point where people can’t even sit down in the backseats. I don’t know exactly what goes through their minds either while leaving me to take everything out. Would they like that in their cars? I personally don’t think they would and could never do that because if you do something that is your pet peeve, I don’t think it can be that big of a deal to you then. 

With my pet peeve being friends or family trashing my car and leaving me to clean it up again, and I go and do that to their cars, it shouldn’t be a pet peeve of mine. I feel that it is disrespectful to do so and just irresponsible of someone. Especially when they are trying to make it easier for you and you do them dirty. Even saying, “Can you please take your garbage out and throw it away”, seems to always not turn out the way I’d like it to. Overall, this seems to be a trivial thing to occur with me more than I would like it to. Hopefully, nowadays after sharing my pet peeve, this will be less likely to happen and my car will stay clean for way longer. 

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